Preparing for heavy rain and what to expect from Council

Preparing for heavy rain and what to expect from Council

18 August 2022 We’re expecting heavy rain this afternoon and evening, so check out these tips from WREMO to make sure you’re flood ready: Stay up to date with warnings and watches at MetService: If heavy rain is...
Candidates confirmed for 2022 Local Body Elections

Candidates confirmed for 2022 Local Body Elections

As of the close of nominations at midday today, Carterton District Council has received 2 nominations for Mayor and 14 nominations for Councillor. Carterton District Council is seeking to fill 9 vacancies at the 8 October Local Body elections – 1 Mayor and 8...
Matarawa quarry application approved

Matarawa quarry application approved

5 August 2022 Fulton Hogan has resubmitted a Certificate of Compliance application for a quarry in Matarawa. This has now been approved as it is deemed to be a permitted activity under the current Combined District Plan. This means Carterton District Council is unable...
Limits on wastewater use request lifted

Limits on wastewater use request lifted

Thank you for cooperating with the request to limit wastewater use. At this stage, we are not asking you to limit wastewater use more than is necessary. We are still dealing with a large volume of wastewater at the treatment plant. Our situation is weather sensitive...