Have Your Say
Last updated: 05 Aug, 2024 09:43am
Consultation & Engagement
Current Initiatives
Closed Initiatives
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About Consultation & Engagement
What is Have Your Say?
Have Your Say is your chance to make your voice heard.
As a Council, we work to serve the community. To ensure we meet the needs of Carterton residents, we need to hear from you!
Choose one of the consultations below. We look forward to hearing your views and suggestions!
Our Engagement Process
Council undertakes ‘engagement’ when we provide opportunities for the public to participate in Council projects, plans and proposals.
Usually, this is in the form of us asking for your thoughts, ideas and preferences on an upcoming project, plan or proposal e.g. a Long Term Plan.
We see engagement as a genuine dialogue with our communities.
Good, thorough and meaningful engagement helps us make better, more sustainable and inclusive decisions that lead to the changes you want to see in your community.
How does engagement work?
Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy sets the rules for how Council and the community will determine how significant particular proposals or decisions are, and when and how the community will be engaged in making decisions.
Before making a decision, Council considers all feedback, along with advice from our team and other relevant information. Once a decision has been made, that decision, along with relevant reports, will be available on this website.
Other ways to have your say
Speak to your Mayor & Councillors: Your elected members are available to discuss your ideas, issues or concerns. Contact them today.
Speak at forums & meetings: Contact our Democratic Services team, who can help direct you to the best meeting to address. Council is not able to make a decision on your presentation but may refer your issue to staff for further report.
Talk to us at an event: Keep an eye out on when Elected Members and Council staff will be out and about in your community.
Sign up to our updates: Join our mailing list and we will keep you informed of what’s happening at Council.
Alternatively you can email us at info@cdc.govt.nz.
What is the difference between consultation and engagement?
Engagement is the practice of actively bringing community or public voices into decisions that affect or interest them. Consultation is one type of engagement, with a legal definition and statutory obligations for local government. Read our Significance and Engagement Policy for more information.
Principles of consultation
Section 82 of the Local Government Act outlines the principles of consultation.
Open Consultation & Engagement Opportunities
*BIN COLLECTION NOTE* Bins this morning are as normal: - If you live in the blue zone it's your yellow recycling bin - If you live in the pink zone it's your glass recycling bin There was an error in the regional collection calendar on our website that indicated this...
Amelia launches Wairarapa Artists Residency with inaugural Carterton Events Centre workshop
Amelia Butcher, a contemporary dancer, and choreographer based in Carterton/Taratahi, is the recipient of the inaugural Carterton Events Centre Artist Residency. The Carterton Events Centre is offering a one-week workshop slot in their Taratahi Auditorium annually for...
Representation Review Initial Proposal
On 20 August 2024 the Carterton District Council Hearings Committee considered the submissions received on its Initial Proposal regarding the representation arrangements for the Council to apply for the local elections to be held on 11 October 2025. The Council...
Council adopts resilience-focused 2024-2034 Long Term Plan, confirms rates resolution for 2024/25
Carterton District Council has adopted its 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan [LTP] and rates resolution for the 2024/25 financial year, focusing on resilience and economic sustainability. LTP Documents Part 1 [PDF] [Includes: Message from the Mayor; Our Council; Our...
Closed Initiatives
Representation Review Initial Proposal
On 20 August 2024 the Carterton District Council Hearings Committee considered the submissions received on its Initial Proposal regarding the representation arrangements for the Council to apply for the local elections to be held on 11 October 2025. The Council...
Representation Review Initial Proposal
Have your say now on the Initial Proposal of our Representation Review. Submissions received to Sunday 4 August. On 26 June 2024, Carterton District Council reviewed its representation arrangements and resolved that the following Proposal applies for the Council...
Carterton District Council gets ready to consult with residents on its Draft 2024-34 Long Term Plan
22 March 2024 Carterton District Council’s elected representatives are getting ready to talk to the Carterton community about the proposals in their Draft 2024-34 Long Term Plan (LTP), with consultation set to begin on 5 April. The theme for Carterton’s Long-Term Plan...
CDC listening to Carterton Residents Survey feedback
Residents have had their say on Carterton District Council services and facilities. And CDC is listening and acting on the feedback. The results of the 2022 Residents Survey are now available online. Almost 500 members of our community let us know what’s working well for them, and where we can make improvements.
Consultation Documents
Title | Summary | Date | Link |
DRAFT CDC Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document | … | March 25, 2024 | |
Public Hearings Meeting: Ten Year Plan 2021-2031 submissions | A pdf format version of the agenda for the Carterton District Council Ten Year Plan 2021-2031 public hearings. | February 19, 2024 | |
Statement of Proposal: Carterton District Council Revenue and Finance Policy [rates] Review 2023 | A pdf version of the Statement of Proposal for a consultation on a review of the Carterton District Council Revenue and Finance Policy [rates], dated October 2023. | October 26, 2023 | |
Speed Management Plan Technical Report for Carterton District | A pdf format version of the Speed Management Plan Technical Report for Carterton District. | June 23, 2023 | |
Draft CDC/SWDC Interim Speed Management Plan | A pdf format version of the Draft Interim Speed Management Plan for Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils, from June 2023. | June 23, 2023 | |
Consultation Document: Proposal for Freedom Camping Bylaw; Revocation of Reserve Status; Disposal of 29 Holloway St | A document containing information and public submission information on the proposals for a Carterton District Freedom Camping Bylaw; Revocation of Reserve Status for 583 Belvedere Rd; and Disposal of 29 Holloway St. | June 2, 2023 | |
Significance and Engagement Policy | A pdf version of the Carterton District Council Significance and Engagement Policy, updated June 2021. | June 26, 2021 |