Fees & Charges

Last updated: 21 Aug, 2024 12:27pm


Fees and Charges Schedule

User fees and charges are used to recognise that there is a private benefit from the operation of the variety of services provided by the Council to the community. User fees revenue reduces the rates revenue required to be collected from ratepayers.

The prices are GST inclusive unless stated.

Select a section or download the entire schedule, in PDF, below.

Animal Fees

Dog Registration Fees

Carterton District Council has set the following dog registration fees inclusive of GST for each and every dog of or over the age of 3 months:



Fees including GST
From 1 August, 50% of the fee will be added as a penalty.  For certified seeing-eye or hearing dogs, a fee of 50% of those stated below applies.
Urban – entire dogs $110
Urban – spayed/neutered dogs $85
Over 65 canine companion $75 per dog
Rural – non-neutered and neutered dogs – first two dogs $75 per dog
Rural – non-neutered and neutered dogs – all remaining dogs $40 per dog
Dog classified as dangerous $165
Urban -application for permit to keep more than two dogs $75


Impounding Fees


  Fees including GST
Dogs, sheep, goats $150 per animal
Second time impounding fee (dogs only) $200
Third and subsequent impounding fee (dogs only) $250
Cattle, deer, horses and all other animals $200 per animal
Droving charge – calculated on actual cost including labour and plant hire Actual cost
Sustenance fee – all animals $20 per day


Bins & Bags

Rubbish bags


Replacement/additional recycling bins


Replacement yellow-lid recycling wheelie bin


Rating information schedule


Building Consent and PIM fees

(all amounts include GST)


*All fees are based on a maximum number of hours for processing. Consents that go over the maximum hours (shown in brackets) will be charged additional processing fees.


only fee 2024/2025

When included with other work (excl. BRANZ and MBIE

levies) 2024/25

Total stand- alone fee (excl. BRANZ and MBIE levies) 2024/25

Minor Work




Solid fuel heater (1)*




Minor plumbing and drainage work,

e.g. fittings, drain alteration (1)*




Minor building work (1)*




Drainage work, e.g. new minor subdivision services, and common drains (2)*




Drainage work, e.g. new effluent disposal system (1)*




Wet area shower (tile floor) (1)*




Private marquee >100m2 – professional assembly only (no inspection) (1)*




Public marquee > 100m2 and <50 people – professional assembly (no inspection) (1)*




Public marquee >100m2 and >50

people (with inspection) (2)*




Private marquee >100m2 (with

inspection) (2)*




Sheds / Garages / Conservatories etc.




Swimming pool 1200mm above ground and pool fencing (2)*




In-ground swimming pools (includes fence) (2)*




Garden sheds/retaining

walls/carports/conservatories/other minor works (1)*




Minor farm buildings (hayshed covered yards 1-6 bays, etc.) (2)*




Larger farm buildings (covered yards, wool sheds) – no plumbing or drainage (3)*




Larger farm buildings (covered yards, wool sheds) – with plumbing or drainage (3)*




Proprietary garages standard (2)*




Proprietary garages with fire wall (2)*




Proprietary garages with plumbing and drainage (2)*




Proprietary garages including sleepout no plumbing or drainage (2)*




Proprietary garages including sleepout with plumbing or drainage (2)*




Garages custom design including plumbing and drainage (3)*




Garages, simple custom design, single level (3)*




Residential re-pile (1)*




Residential Dwellings – New

NB double units charged at single unit rate + 50%




Single storey value <$500k (4)*




Complex -Single Storey value >$500k and Multi storey (6)*




Transportable dwelling (yard built) (4)*




Relocated residential dwelling (if applicable, add alteration fee) (4)*




Residential Dwellings — Additions and Alterations




Alterations (minor) up to 3 inspections plus processing time (2)*




Alterations (major) up to 8 inspections plus processing time (8)*




Plumbing and drainage (2)*








Commercial demolition (1)*




Single storey shop fitouts (3)*




Multi-storey shop fit-outs (3)*




Single storey, multi-unit apartments/motels (5)*



$2,520.00 plus $498.75 per unit

Multi-storey, multi-unit apartments/motels (6)*



$3,045.00 plus $829.50 per unit

Minor commercial work e.g. signs/shop fronts/minor fit outs (no plumbing or drainage) (2)*




Commercial/industrial ≤$50,000.00 (4)*




Commercial/industrial $50,000.01–

$100,000.00 (5)*




Commercial/industrial $100,000.01–

$150,000.00 (6)*




Commercial/industrial $150,000.01–

$250,000.00 (7)*




Commercial/industrial $250,000.01–

$350,000.00 (8)*




Commercial/industrial $350,000.01–

$500,000.00 (9)*




Commercial/industrial $500,000.01–

$1,000,000.00 (10)*





>$1,000,000.00 (10)*



$8,557.00 plus $472.50 per $100,000 value



Other charges


Processing hard copy certificate applications


Pool inspections

$158.00 per hour (this includes travel time to the site and any associated research or administration relating to the inspection

Pool inspections – assessment of independent audit


BRANZ levy for work $20,000.00 or more, a stand-alone fee of $1.00 per $1,000 for the total project value

$1.00 per $1,000.00

MBIE levy for work $65,000.00 or more including GST, a stand-alone fee of $1.75 per $1,000 for the total project value

$1.75 per 1,000.00 (for work $65,000.00 or more)

Structural engineering or fire engineering assessment/peer review (the building consent fee does not include the cost of any structural or fire engineers’ assessments that may be required)

Cost plus 10%

Compliance schedule application (includes inspection,  12A and BWoF administration & auditing)

$210.00 per hour

Inspection hourly rate

$231.00 per hour

Certificate of acceptance—building consent fee for the applicable building plus actual costs, payable on issue of certificate

$231.00 per hour for inspections plus applicable building consent fees

Registration of certificates under the Building Act


Reassessment fee (amended plans or specifications)

$236.00 per hour

Certificate of title


Vehicle crossing bonds will be assessed for each application where required


Street, crossing, footpath, and berm damage bond for buildings moved to/from site


Property search fee (includes download, scanning documents, email, or writing to disc)

$52.50 per file (covers the search and the first file – every file thereafter $10.00)

Officer consultation

$210.00 per hour



Headstone permit


Family back-fill






Lawn – Child under 1 year old


Lawn – Child over 1 year old and below 10 years old




Cremation – Child under 1 year old


Cremation – Child over 1 year old and below 10 years old


Extra depth charge








Child under 1 year old


Child over 1 year old and below 10 years old




Out-of-town burial fee


Saturday burials


Saturday burials – out-of-town


Placenta (interment administration fee)



Actual cost

Natural Burial


Plot (2x standard fee)


Interment (as above)




Compost (cost includes topping-up within first 3 years)


Tree (cost includes planting)


Natural burial fee (at cost)


Out of District fee


Private burial service




Public Health

Annual Registration and Inspection




Motels/Boarding Houses


Itinerant trader – annual registration including inspection


Camping Grounds/Motor Home Parks


Hawkers licence


Hairdressers, beauticians, tattooists, skin piercers


Funeral directors


Offensive trades – septic tank services, waste or refuse cartage




Street stall licence

$32.00 per week

Health inspection for events where food will be sold, or inspection on request


Noise control

Recover all reasonable costs associated with second and subsequent noise complaints investigated from the same property.

Noise/health-related complaints under the RMA and Health Act 1956

Recover all reasonable costs associated with investigating/resolving the matter.

Gambling venue applications


Removal of abandoned vehicles

Actual cost-plus 10%

Events Centre
Food Act 2014

Verification of template Food Control Plan. Includes: booking appointments, checking prior history, travel time, actual time on- site, completion of reports, lodging of results to MPI and Council database and follow up on Corrective Action Requests (first 2 hours)


Additional hours


Renewal of registration for food premises


Amendment to registration


Infrastructure [Road and water] service Fees

Water/Wastewater Standover

$126.00 per hour

Administration fee


Applications for a new water and wastewater connection

$236.25 per application

Application for disconnection of existing water and wastewater connection

$236.25 per application

Applications for water race draw off

$168.00 per application

Applications for piping or relocating water race (plus expenses)

$168.00 per application

Clearing public wastewater main or lateral pipe damaged as a result of private fault (fat/rags or similar)

Actual cost

Damage to road reserve

Actual cost


Rentals (per issue)

  • Fiction books (including re-issues) Free
  • Magazines Free
  • DVDs – children’s (one week) Free
  • DVDs – adult (one week) $2


  • Adult book – first week Nil
  • Per week thereafter Nil
  • Children’s books – first week Nil
  • Per week thereafter Nil
  • Reserves Nil


  • Per book, article or subject request $10
  • International inter-loan $30USD
  • Charges from other libraries Actual cost


  • Lost library book Replacement Cost

Administration Fees

Photocopying – per page

  • A3 black and white $0.40
  • A4 black and white $0.10
  • Double-sided black and white – add 10 cents per page
  • A3 colour $0.60
  • A4 colour $0.40 [Double-sided colour – add 20 cents per page]


  • A4 $2.20 per page


Outdoor Swimming Complex
  • Entry fee adult/child [per person] Free
  • Schoolgroups* [per child per season] Free
    *schools are responsible for lifeguard arrangements and associated costs
  • Association Football [per ground] $625
  • Cricket Association $115
  • Athletic Club $625

Additional charges may be levied for additional services, including pitch preparation and repairs

Public Health (Health Act 1956, Health Registration Regulations 1966)

Annual Registration and Inspection




Motels/Boarding Houses


Itinerant trader – annual registration including inspection


Camping Grounds/Motor Home Parks


Hawkers licence


Hairdressers, beauticians, tattooists, skin piercers


Funeral directors


Offensive trades – septic tank services, waste or refuse cartage




Street stall licence

$32.00 per week

Health inspection for events where food will be sold, or inspection on request


Noise control

Recover all reasonable costs associated with second and subsequent noise complaints investigated from the same property

Noise/health-related complaints under the RMA and Health Act 1956

Recover all reasonable costs associated with investigating/resolving the matter

Gambling venue applications


Removal of abandoned vehicles

Actual cost-plus 10%

Resource Consent Fees (deposit only)

Note: Pursuant to Section 36, 36 (1) and 36 (3) of the Resource Management Act 1991, Council may require the person who is liable to pay one or more of the above charges, to also pay an additional charge to recover actual and reasonable costs in respect of the matter concerned.


Controlled activity (other than minor land use)


Restricted Discretionary – non-notified


Discretionary activity


Permitted boundary activity




Heritage items


 Additional Charges


Public notification


Limited notification




Post decision – requested changes


Additional processing time above 5 hours (per hour)


Section 127 variation to consent


Section 223 RMA certificates


Section 224 RMA certificates


Any other certificate


Monitoring compliance with resource consents – cost, with maximum of:


District Plan changes – deposit only (applicants are required to meet the full cost of processing applications)


Land Information Memorandum (LIM)

*refund less $50 admin fee, if cancelled within 1-2 working days


Land Information Memorandum (LIM) – urgent service

*no refund if cancelled

Charges between $150-$300 per hour


Other external reports, e.g. engineers, commissioners,

solicitors, special advisors (indicative charges between $150-$300 per hour

Actual cost

 Hearing administration fee + cost of Commissioners



 Infrastructure Contribution








 Infrastructure Contribution – Waingawa Industrial Zone








Roading Contribution – Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zones

2% of land value + GST

Roading Contribution – Rural Zone

3% of land value + GST

Reserve Contribution – Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zones

3% of land value + GST

Reserve Contribution – Rural Zone

2% of land value + GST

Monthly building consent lists


Officer consultation 

$210.00 per hour


Service Fees


Water/Wastewater Standover

$126.00 per hour

Administration fee


Applications for a new water and wastewater connection

$236.25 per application

Application for disconnection of existing water and wastewater connection

$236.25 per application

Applications for water race draw off

$168.00 per application

Applications for piping or relocating water race (plus expenses)

$168.00 per application

Clearing public wastewater main or lateral pipe damaged as a result of private fault (fat/rags or similar)

Actual cost

Damage to road reserve

Actual cost

Transfer Station

General refuse


Car boot or SUV – up to 100kg (incl GST)


Small trailer, van or ute up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.4m high or up to 250kg (incl GST)


Large trailer – up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.8m high or up to 500kg (incl GST)


Weigh in/out (minimum $20.00) per tonne (excl GST)

$310.00 per tonne

Green waste


Car boot or SUV – up to 100kg (incl GST)


Small trailer, van or ute up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.4m high or up to 250kg (incl GST)


Large trailer – up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.8m high or up to 500kg (incl GST)


Weigh in/out (minimum $20.00) per tonne (excl GST)

$74.60 per tonne



Car and 4WD tyres – up to 4 tyres on rims (each) (incl GST)

$6.70 each

Car and 4WD tyres – over 4 tyres (each) (incl GST)

$5.30 each ())

Car and 4WD tyres (incl GST)


Truck tyres (incl GST)

$737.00 per tonne

Truck tyres (each) (incl GST)

$10.00 each

E-waste (electronic waste)


Small consumer items (e.g. mobile phones, GPS, digital cameras)

No charge

Small/Medium items (e.g. keyboards, docking stations, modems, routers, stereos, gaming consoles)


Large items (e.g. TV’s, computer monitors, printers, scanners, fax machines, microwaves)




Trade Waste




Compliance monitoring

The cost of sampling and analysis of trade waste discharge

At cost

Trade waste application fee

Payable on application for a trade waste discharge

Small business (1-5 staff) $178.50



Medium business (6-15 staff) $336.00



Large business (16+ staff) $651.00

Re-inspection fee

Payable for each re-inspection visit by the Waste Water Authority where a notice served under the bylaw has not been complied with by the trade waste discharger

$157.50 per hour

Annual trade waste charges

An annual management fee for a trade waste discharge to cover the Waste Water

Authority’s costs associated with for example:

a)          Administration

b)          General compliance monitoring

c)          General inspection of trade waste premises

d)          Use of the sewerage system

The charge may vary depending on the trade waste sector or category of the discharger


Permitted $220.50 per annum.


Conditional $441.00 per annum




Permitted $756.00 per annum


Conditional $1,208.00 per annum




Permitted 1,733.00 per annum



Conditional $2,415.00 per annum

Rebates for trade premises within the District

Reduction in fees provided for in Section 150(2) of the Local Government Act.

Section 150(4) states that the fees prescribed by the Council to recover more than the reasonable cost incurred by the Council for the matter for which the fee is charged. In no event shall the resultant

charge be less than the Council’s sewerage charge for the equivalent period

Discretion of Council

As calculated by Council

New or additional trade premises

Pay the annual fees and a pro rata proportion of the various trade waste charges relative to flows and loads

As per charges outlined below

B1 Volume

Payment based on the volume discharged

$0.74 per cubic metre

B3 Suspended solids

Payment based on the mass of suspended solids $/kg

$0.74 per kilogram

B4 Organic loading

Biochemical oxygen demand or chemical oxygen demand $/kg

$1.78 per kilogram

B5 Nitrogen

Payment based on the defined form(s) of nitrogen $/kg

$11.65 per kilogram



Payment based on the defined form(s) of phosphorus $/kg

 $17.85 per kilogram

B7 Sodium

Payment based on the defined form(s) of sodium $/kg

$0.90 per kilogram

C1 Tankered waste

Set as a fee(s) per tanker load, or as a fee(s) per cubic metre, dependent on trade waste category

$84.00 per cubic metre

Water Supply

*Water rates are set under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 Section 16(3)(b), Section 19(1), Section 19(2)(a) and Section 19 (2)(b). The following is an extract of the Funding Impact Statement from the Long-Term Plan 2024-34 for information only.


Waingawa water and reticulated supply




Metered water*

$3.13 per m3

Metered water – high volume > 50,000 cubic meters per year*

$2.60 per m3

Draw water from Council fire hydrant *

$3.13 per m3

Urban water, reticulated supply 



Extraordinary use > 225 cubic meters per year *

$2.00 per m3

Metered water (Commercial and Industrial use) *

Large or temporary connections

$3.13 per m3

Draw water from Council metered hydrant

$3.13 per m3


Waingawa Water

Metered water

$3.13 per m3

Metered water – high volume > 50,000 cubic meters per year

$2.08 per m3

Draw water from Council fire hydrant *

$3.13 per m3

Water Race

Water race – metered – for principally commercial/industrial use – per cubic metre taken

$2.25 per m3

Water race – metered – for principally horticultural use per cubic metre taken

$1.31 per m3