Fees & Charges

Last updated: 23 Jul, 2024 01:51pm


Fees and Charges Schedule

User fees and charges are used to recognise that there is a private benefit from the operation of the variety of services provided by the Council to the community. User fees revenue reduces the rates revenue required to be collected from ratepayers.

The following schedules of fees and charges are for the 2023/24 year, effective 1 July 2023.

Select a section or download the entire schedule, in PDF, below.

Animal Fees

Dog Registration Fees

Carterton District Council has set the following dog registration fees inclusive of GST for each and every dog of or over the age of 3 months:



Fees including GST
From 1 August, 50% of the fee will be added as a penalty.  For certified seeing-eye or hearing dogs, a fee of 50% of those stated below applies.
Urban – entire dogs $110
Urban – spayed/neutered dogs $85
Over 65 canine companion $75 per dog
Rural – non-neutered and neutered dogs – first two dogs $75 per dog
Rural – non-neutered and neutered dogs – all remaining dogs $40 per dog
Dog classified as dangerous $165
Urban -application for permit to keep more than two dogs $75


Impounding Fees


  Fees including GST
Dogs, sheep, goats $150 per animal
Second time impounding fee (dogs only) $200
Third and subsequent impounding fee (dogs only) $250
Cattle, deer, horses and all other animals $200 per animal
Droving charge – calculated on actual cost including labour and plant hire Actual cost
Sustenance fee – all animals $20 per day


Bins & Bags
  • Rubbish bags $3.50
  • Replacement/additional recycling bins $15
  • Replacement yellow-lid recycling wheelie bin $75
  • Rating information schedule $20
Building Consent and PIM fees


  • Headstone permit $42
  • Family back-fill $420


  • Lawn $1150
  • Lawn – Child under 1 year old $205
  • Lawn – Child over 1 year old and below 10 years old $360
  • Cremation $265
  • Cremation – Child under 1 year old $165
  • Cremation – Child over 1 year old and below 10years old $260
  • Extra depth charge $470


  • Lawn $790
  • Cremation $230
  • Child under 1 year old $135
  • Child over 1 year old and below 10years old $335
  • Servicemen $785
  • Out-of-town burial fee $1260
  • Saturday burials $1260
  • Saturday burials – out-of-town $1525
  • Placenta (interment administration fee) $27


  • Actual cost

Natural Burial

  • Plot (2x standard fee) $2300
  • Interment (as above) $790
  • Compost (cost includes topping-up within first 3 years) $320
  • Tree (cost includes planting) $160
  • Natural burial fee (at cost) $255
  • Out of District fee $1260

Private burial service

  • Chapel: $65
Environmental Compliance and Monitoring (Health Act 1956)
  • Complaint-driven investigation resulting in issue of improvement notice by Environmental Health Officer $120 per hour
  • Application for review of issue of improvement notice $120 per hour
Events Centre
Food Act 2014
  • Verification of template Food Control Plan*: $390 for first 2.5 hours then $160 for every additional hour
  • Renewal of registration for food premises $160
  • Amendment to registration $95

*Includes: booking appointments, checking prior history, travel time, actual time on-site, completion of reports, lodging of results to Ministry of Primary Industries and Council database and follow up on Corrective Action Requests


Rentals (per issue)

  • Fiction books (including re-issues) Free
  • Magazines Free
  • DVDs – children’s (one week) Free
  • DVDs – adult (one week) $2


  • Adult book – first week Nil
  • Per week thereafter Nil
  • Children’s books – first week Nil
  • Per week thereafter Nil
  • Reserves Nil


  • Per book, article or subject request $10
  • International inter-loan $30USD
  • Charges from other libraries Actual cost


  • Lost library book Replacement Cost

Administration Fees

Photocopying – per page

  • A3 black and white $0.40
  • A4 black and white $0.10
  • Double-sided black and white – add 10 cents per page
  • A3 colour $0.60
  • A4 colour $0.40 [Double-sided colour – add 20 cents per page]


  • A4 $2.20 per page


Outdoor Swimming Complex
  • Entry fee adult/child [per person] Free
  • Schoolgroups* [per child per season] Free
    *schools are responsible for lifeguard arrangements and associated costs
  • Association Football [per ground] $595
  • Cricket Association $105
  • Athletic Club $595

Additional charges may be levied for additional services, including pitch preparation and repairs

Public Health (Health Act 1956, Health Registration Regulations 1966)

Annual Registration and Inspection

  • Hairdressers $200
  • Motels/Boarding Houses $200
  • Itinerant trader – annual registration including inspection $280
  • Camping Grounds/Motor Home Parks $250
  • Hawkers licence $150
  • Hairdressers, beauticians, tattooists, skin piercers $250
  • Funeral directors $250
  • Offensive trades – septic tank services, waste or refuse cartage $250
  • Saleyards $250
  • Street stall licence $30 per week
  • Health inspection for events where food will be sold, or inspection on request $150
  • Gambling venue applications $600
  • Removal of abandoned vehicles Actual cost plus 10%
  • Noise control – recover all reasonable costs associated with second and subsequent noise complaints investigated from the same property
  • Noise/health-related complaints under the RMA and Health Act 1956 – recover all reasonable costs associated with investigating/resolving the matter
Resource Consent Fees (deposit only)
  • Controlled activity (other than minor land use) $1200
  • Restricted Discretionary – non-notified $1500
  • Discretionary activity $2000
  • Permitted boundary activity $320
  • Non-complying $2500
  • Heritage items Free

Additional Charges

  • Public notification $5000
  • Limited notification $2500
  • Pre-hearing $530
  • Post decision – requested changes $600
  • Additional processing time above 5 hours (per hour) $200
  • Section 127 variation to consent $1500
  • Section 223 RMA certificates $500
  • Section 224 RMA certificates $650
  • Any other certificate $650
  • Monitoring compliance with resource consents – cost, with maximum of: $2000
  • District Plan changes – deposit only (applicants are required to meet the full cost of processing applications) $20,000
  • Land Information Memorandum (LIM)  *refund less $50 admin fee, if cancelled within 1-2 working days $250
  • Land Information Memorandum (LIM) – urgent service *no refund if cancelled $450
  • Other external reports, e.g. engineers, commissioners, solicitors, special advisors (indicative charges between $150-$300 per hour) Actual cost
  • Hearing Administration Fee + cost of Commissioners $1500
  • Infrastructure Contribution:
    Sewerage: $2300
    Water: $2300
    Stormwater: $1150
  • Infrastructure Contribution – Waingawa Industrial Zone :
    Sewerage: $2990
    Water: $2990
    Stormwater: $1495
  • Roading Contribution – Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zones 2% of land value + GST
  • Roading Contribution – Rural Zone 3% of land value + GST
  • Reserve Contribution – Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zones 3% of land value + GST
  • Reserve Contribution – Rural Zone 2% of land value + GST
  • Monthly building consent lists $25
  • Officer consultation $200 per hour

Service Fees

  • Water connection Actual cost
  • Sewer connection Actual cost
  • Water/Sewer Standover $120
  • Administration fee $95
  • Combined sewer and water connection Actual cost
  • Standard vehicle crossing Actual cost
  • Applications for water race draw off $160
  • Applications for piping or relocating water race (plus expenses) $160
  • Clearing sewers (property owner boundary to main) Actual cost
  • Damage to road reserve Actual cost
Service Fees
  • Water connection Actual cost
  • Sewer connection Actual cost
  • Water/sewer standover fee $120
  • Administration fee $95
  • Combined sewer and water connection Actual cost
  • Standard vehicle crossing Actual cost
  • Applications for water race draw off $160
  • Applications for piping or relocating water race $160 plus expenses
  • Clearing sewers (property owner boundary to main) Actual cost
  • Damage to road reserve Actual cost
Transfer Station

General refuse

  • Car boot or SUV – up to 100kg (incl GST) $32.50
  • Small trailer, van or ute up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.4m high or up to 250kg (incl GST) $76.40
  • Large trailer – up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.8m high or up to 500kg (incl GST) $100.20
  • Weigh in/out (minimum $20.00) per tonne (excl GST) $275 per tonne

Green waste

  • Car boot or SUV – up to 100kg (incl GST) $6.30
  • Small trailer, van or ute up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.4m high or up to 250kg (incl GST) $15.40
  • Large trailer – up to 1.8m x 1.2m x 0.8m high or up to 500kg (incl GST) $20.50
  • Weigh in/out (minimum $20.00) per tonne (excl GST) $67.80 per tonne


  • Car and 4WD tyres – up to 4 tyres on rims (each) (incl GST) $6.10 each
    Car and 4WD tyres – over 4 (excl GST) $670 per tonne
    Truck tyres (excl GST) $670 per tonne

E-Waste (electronic waste)

  • Small consumer items (e.g. mobile phones, GPS, digital cameras) No charge
  • Small/Medium items (e.g. keyboards, docking stations, modems, routers, stereos, gaming consoles) $5
    Large items (e.g. TV’s, computer monitors, printers, scanners, fax machines, microwaves) $20
    Photocopiers $50
Trade Waste

Metered water: $1.90/m³ for usage greater than 225m³ per year

Visit our Water Meter page for more information.

Waingawa Water

Connected $147
Metered water $2.68 per m3
Metered water – high volume [>50,000 cubic metres per year] $1.98 per m3

Water Race

Metered for principally commercial/industrial use $2.15 per cubic metre taken 
Metered for principally horticultural use  $1.25 per cubic metre taken