In April, we released our draft Annual Plan for public feedback, which included the proposed fees and charges for the new rating year. As of 1 July, these new fees and charges will take effect.

Most fees and charges have been increased to cover the cost of inflation, though some have been increased more significantly where Council is facing higher costs. These would otherwise need to be subsidised by rates. This way, the majority of the cost is worn by those who use those services and we can keep the rates increase to a minimum.

The increase includes changes to fees at the Transfer Station. Transfer Station charges have changed due to a further increase in the central government waste disposal levy from 1 July 2023.

We have also increased the price of council rubbish bags from $2.80 to $3.50. In the last decade, we have only increased the cost of these marginally, however, the price we sell them for needs to cover the bags themselves, and the cost of the waste disposal.

Our website’s sustainability section has further information on waste and recycling in Carterton, including details of our soft plastics and batteries recycling trials, much of which are free of charge.

Our full Fees and Charges Schedule can be found on our Fees and Charges page.