Planning & Resource Consents

Last updated: 02 Jul, 2024 04:57pm


Please Note

Council will no longer be prepared to enter into a bonding agreement for any unfinished subdivisional work.

District Plan

A district plan contains guidance and rules about how you can use and develop your land. In Carterton, the Wairarapa Combined District Plan applies.

The three Councils [Masterton, Carterton, and South Wairarapa] are currently reviewing the District Plan.

For more info and a copy of the Proposed Plan, please visit the review website,


Resource Management Act

The Resource Management Act requires us to ensure that effects on the environment are well managed. One way we do this is to decide whether to grant resource consents to people wanting to do things that might affect the environment.

Every day, people apply for resource consents for activities such as building a new house, subdividing their property, discharging wastewater into a stream, moving earth, or discharging pollution into the air.

Types of Resource Consent

There is a range of consents you may need to apply for. Find out more about each of them.

When Do I Need A Resource Consent?

When you wish to build or use your land in a way that does not comply with the rules of the district and/or regional plans that apply in Carterton, you need to get a resource consent. Whether you need one and what type of consent depends on what you want to do and how it’s classified in your local district or regional plan.

Preparing your Resource Consent application

Once you have worked out that you need a resource consent, you will need to gather together the relevant information.

The Process: From Application To Decision

Outlining the steps required by law to take an application from its initial submission to a decision.

Affected Party – Approval and Submission

If we consider you to be adversely affected by activities proposed in a resource consent application, we will tell the applicant. It is then the responsibility of the applicant to seek your written approval to their proposed activity.

Fact Sheets


Planning and Resource Consents


Carterton District Council Infrastructure Assessment Checklists

A word file version of the infrastructure Assessment Checklists required for development in Carterton District.

CDC Infrastructure Guidelines Asset Attributes List

An excel file version of the Carterton District Council Infrastructure Guidelines Asset Attributes List.

Carterton District Council Land development and subdivision infrastructure guide

A pdf document version of the LAND DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION INFRASTRUCTURE GUIDE, in accordance with the Wairarapa Combined District Plan 2019 and New Zealand Standard NZS4404:2010 Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure

Affected Party Consent Form

Affected Party Consent form for Affected Parties in resource consent applications, accordign to the Wairarapa Combined District Plan and the Resource Management Act 1991.

Submission on Notified Resource Consent Form

Application form to make a submission on Notified Resource Consent – Pursuant to Sections 95A, 95B, 95C, 96, 127(3), 137(5)(c) and 234(4) of the Resource Management Act 1991

Resource Consent Form

Application form for a Resource Consent Under s88 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Permitted Boundary Activity Form

A pdf version of the APPLICATION FOR PERMITTED BOUNDARY ACTIVITY under s87BA of the Resource Management Act 1991.


Resource Consent Fees (deposit only)


  • Controlled activity (other than minor land use) $1000
  • Restricted Discretionary – non-notified $1000
  • Restricted Discretionary – limited notification $1500
  • Discretionary activity $1500
  • Permitted boundary activity $300
  • Non-complying $2000
  • Heritage items Free

Additional Charges

  • Public notification $800
  • Limited notification (excluding restricted discretionary) $500
  • Pre-hearing $500
  • Post decision – requested changes $500
  • Post decision – minor changes $300
  • Additional processing time above 5 hours $120 per hour
  • Section 127 variation to consent $1000
  • Section 223 RMA certificates $250
  • Section 224 RMA certificates $350
  • Any other certificate $500
  • Monitoring compliance with resource consents: Cost, with maximum of $1,000
  • District Plan changes – deposit only (applicants are required to meet the full cost of processing applications) $5100
  • Land Information Memorandum (LIM) *refund less $50 admin fee, if cancelled within 1-2 working days $250
  • Land Information Memorandum (LIM) – urgent service *no refund if cancelled $450
  • Other external reports, e.g. engineers, commissioners, solicitors, special advisors: Actual cost (indicative charges between $150-$300 per hour) 

Infrastructure Contribution

  • Sewerage $2300
  • Water $2300
  • Stormwater $2300

Infrastructure Contribution – Waingawa Industrial Zone 

  • Sewerage $2990
  • Water $2990
  • Stormwater $1495

Reserve Contribution

  • Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zones 3% of land value + GST
  • Rural Zone 2% of land value + GST

Roading Contribution

  • Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zones 2% of land value + GST
  • Rural Zone 3% of land value + GST

Monthly building consent lists $20
Officer consultation $120 per hour