This consultation is now closed.

Last updated: 06 Jun, 2024 11:35am

Why are we consulting? 

Every six years councils in New Zealand review their representation arrangements, following a process contained in the Local Electoral Act.

One of the principles of the Act is to implement “fair and effective representation for individuals and communities”.

In reviewing Carterton District Council’s representation arrangements we’ve followed guidelines provided by the Local Government Commission and have:

  • identified communities of interest;
  • considered how best to provide effective representation for those communities including whether or not there should be communities; and
  • considered the fairness of representation for electors such as the ratio of population for each elected member.

The initial proposal will be available for you to have your say from Saturday 11 August to Monday 17 September 2018. 

Submissions are now closed for the Representation Review Arrangements.  To see the next steps in the process please select the “Timeline of Review” button below.