A grace period for rates penalties has been extended to five days after Carterton returns to Covid-19 alert level 2.

Carterton District ratepayers had until tomorrow [Friday August 27] to defer payments, extended from the first deadline on August 20.

This would give ratepayers who pay over the counter via EFTPOS or cash the opportunity to come into our offices once they are open, to pay their rates, said Kelly Vatselias, Corporate Services Manager.

“We do encourage anyone who is able to, to pay via internet banking.”

Mayor Greg Lang said the Council will not be applying rates penalties until five days after the district returns to Covid-19 alert level 2.

Mayor Lang said people having difficulty paying can talk to our rates team who will work out a plan or a solution.

“Whether people just can’t pay at the moment because of circumstances, or they are used to walking into the council office and pay in person, if that’s the only way they know how to do it, we’re not going to disadvantage them in any other way.

“We will work around any situation.”