Dog Control Fees and Permits

Last updated: 28 Jun, 2023 07:06pm

Visit our online services page to make a payment.

You will need:

  • Your credit/debit card
  • Your owner number

Once payment is made your dog/s tag will be posted to you. Please allow up to 2 weeks to receive your tag/s.


Dog Control Fees

All dogs over the age of three months must be registered.

Item Fee
Rural owner

$75 1st and 2nd dog

$40 subsequent dogs

Urban Entire $110 per dog
Urban spayed/neutered $95 per dog
Dog classified as dangerous $160 per dog
Dog Owner over 65 $75 per dog


The additional penalty fee for all dogs not registered by 1st August, each year will be 50% per dog. For certified seeing-eye or hearing dogs, a fee of 50% of those stated above applies.

Owners in the Urban Ward are reminded that the Council’s bylaws preclude the keeping of three or more dogs over the age of 3 months without written permission being first obtained from the District Council. An application fee of $70 (in addition to the above fees) is to accompany all applications for such permission.

Pound Fees

Dog owners are advised that the Council has fixed the following sustenance and poundage fees:

Item Fee
Sustenance Fee $15 per dog per day
Impounding fees

Dogs, Sheep, Goats $70

Second time (dogs only) $150

Third and subsequent impounding fee (dogs only) $200

Cattle, Deer, Horses and all other animals $80
Droving Charge Calculated on actual cost including labour and plant hire


Keeping more than two dogs on an urban property

You must have a permit for keeping more than two dogs on an urban property.

Download an application form below.

Contact us if you need any help or further information.

How your fees benefit our community

In Carterton, dog registration fees help to pay for most of our animal services, including:

  • Dog control, including impounding wandering dogs, investigating dog attacks, minimising nuisances caused by dogs
  • Responding to a variety of complaints
  • Running the animal shelter
  • Patrols
  • Taking legal action when required
  • Administration and maintenance of Council database including yearly registration process
  • Dog training and onsite behavioural advice
  • Signage and advertising of dog related issues
  • Providing dog poo bags in Carterton