We’re seeking your input on Carterton’s representation arrangement.

Every six years, councils must review how communities are represented in the makeup of their Council. Carterton District Council’s latest review is now open for community feedback.

The representation review examines the structures in place, including the number of wards (electoral areas) and their boundaries, the number of elected members (councillors) representing each ward, and the names of our wards.

Since 2012, Carterton District electors have voted for one Mayor and eight Councillors “At Large.” This means they represent everyone in the community, rather than a system where Councillors are elected to a section of the District or ward.

The last representation review for Carterton District Council was completed in 2018, and retained the existing arrangements, w

The District had undergone a transition from urban and rural wards in 2012, and had also changed the number of councillors in each ward in previous reviews.

The review aims to ensure there is fit-for-purpose, fair, and effective representation for individuals and communities of interest in our District, ensuring their voices are heard at the Council level.

The Local Electoral Act 2001 grants individuals and community groups the right to make a written submission to the Council on its proposed representation arrangements, as well as the right to be heard if they wish. There is also the right to appeal or object to decisions on the proposed representation arrangements. The Local Government Commission will then make a binding decision on any appeal.

We value your ideas now! We’re accepting feedback until Sunday 26 May. These ideas will form the basis of the proposal, for which we’ll seek further feedback in July.

We’ll formally consult on the Initial Proposal from the feedback later in 2024, but prior to this, the Council is seeking community views to inform that proposal.


Want to know more?

  • Visit the Representation Review page of our website, where you can also complete our feedback survey [also available at www.surveylegend.com/s/5h45].


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