We want your input! We would love to hear if you have any further thoughts or comments on the adopted option of the Eastern Growth Area (EGA) Structure Plan.

Get involved by completing our survey, or pop into one of our community meetings.



Our survey is open until Monday 13 June.

To have your say:


Community Meetings

Carterton District Council is hosting two community meetings on the Eastern Growth Area Structure Plan

  • Wed 8 Jun, 5:30pm: The Old Courthouse, Holloway Street, Carterton
  • Sat 11 Jun, 1pm: Carterton Event Centre Foyer



Carterton needs to plan for where to accommodate the increasing Carterton population, new housing, and businesses. It is projected the urban area of Carterton will need to accommodate approximately 1,000 new houses between now and 2043. Our Growth Strategy, published in 2017, identified the eastern side of the Carterton urban area as the most suitable location and direction for new greenfield development. This was due to its proximity and accessibility to existing community and infrastructure facilities and services. In January 2021, the council released a proposed CDC Structure Plan for public consultation. It included four options for community feedback.


Next steps

  • October/November 2022: Structure Plan incorporated in the draft Proposed District Plan Review released for informal consultation.
  • July 2023: Proposed District Plan formally notified for submissions.