
Last updated: 28 Jun, 2023 07:14pm

How to register a complaint if you are dissatisfied with the services provided by the Carterton District Council BCA. 

  • Complaints process
  • Step 1. Lodge complaint
  • Step 2. Initial response
  • Step 3. Considering the complaint
  • Step 4. When a complaint is upheld
  • Step 5. Escalation



Contact us in the first instance for answers to queries, or to lodge complaints.

Carterton District Council (CDC) consider the effective handling of complaints is fundamental to provision of a quality service and people have a right to make comments or raise concerns and expect them to be heard.

In addition, there are several benefits gained from investing in development of effective complaints process. These include:

    1. Enabling quick resolution.
    2. Promoting good decision making.
    3. Fostering relations with the public.

Step 1. Lodge complaint

Send a complaint in person, by phone, fax, letter or email.

Where complaints are received verbally, the complainant is asked to put the complaint in writing.

Only written complaints about building control functions are recorded and investigated.

The Infrastructure, Services and Regulatory Manager is responsible for the effective and consistent functioning of the BCA’s complaint process, including recording, acknowledging,
prioritising and responding to complaints.

Step 2. Initial response from BCA

An initial response is provided within 2 working days acknowledging receipt of the complaint and advising a timeframe for consideration and response.

Step 3: Considering the complaint

The Infrastructure, Services and Regulatory Manager allocates the complaint to an appropriate person, usually the Building Services Team Leader, for consideration.

The Team Leader investigates the complaint and reports the findings to the Manager.

The Manager accepts or rejects the findings, and advises the complainant in writing of the outcome.

This response is usually provided within two weeks of the complaint being received. If the nature
of the complaint is such that further time is required to investigate it, the Manager advises the complainant of the new timeframe.

Step 4: When a complaint is upheld

Where the complaint is upheld, the Infrastructure, Services and Regulatory Manager agrees an appropriate remedy with the complainant proportionate to the seriousness of the complaint.

Step 5: Escalation

Any complaint which cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both the complainant and the Infrastructure, Services and Regulatory Manager is referred to the Chief Executive to ensure objectivity and fairness.

Details of the complaint, and any action taken, are recorded in Form 134 BCA Complaints Register.

The register, and documents relating to the consideration and resolution of the complaint, are saved.

A copy is saved to the relevant consent file.

Complaints received are a standing item on the Operational Management Meeting agenda.
