Clareville Cemetery

Last updated: 27 May, 2024 05:39pm

Historic Clareville Cemetery is located on Chester Road on the outskirts of Carterton.

Clareville Cemetery is located on Chester Road on the outskirts of Carterton, administered by Carterton District Council.

You will find the grave of Charles Rooking Carter, from whom Carterton derives its name, and other notable people there.

The first burial took place on 26 July 1866.

The Cemetery has its own small chapel which was opened in August 1999, the chapel features a stand crafted from local wood containing a memorial book.

A crematorium is also located within the cemetery, and with every cremation performed a native tree is planted.

Opening Times

The Cemetery is open between dawn and dusk.


Clareville is one of the few cemeteries in New Zealand to include a section for pets. Contact us for further information.

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