Red alert warning for the Ruamāhanga River from Doubles Bridge to Kokotau [affected sites include Double Bridges, Te Ore Ore, The Cliffs, and Kokotau] due to the presence of detached mats. Toxic algae is deadly to dogs and can make people sick. Remember, preventing...
Two grants have opened today to support young people living in Carterton. The Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund provides support for rural sports clubs and school teams who require assistance with travel expenses to local sporting competitions. The Carterton &...
Works to upgrade the water main along Brooklyn Road kicked off this morning and detours are in place. The project begins with a four-week road closure (7am to 5pm, weekdays only) between High Street and Mac’s Lane. Once this is complete traffic management will switch...
High Pathogen Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a severe strain of bird flu that poses risks to native birds (taonga species), poultry, and potentially human health. Visit the Ministry of Primary Industries website for updates and information on the response. What you can do...
The Masterton, Carterton, and South Wairarapa District Councils have adopted the revised Wairarapa Local Alcohol Policy Kaupapa Here Waipiro ā-Rohe o Wairarapa [LAP], designed to promote the safe and responsible sale, supply and consumption of alcohol across...
We’ve moved our water levels to Yellow: Only use sprinklers on alternate days. This means sprinklers can now only be used on alternate days. Use sprinklers or irrigation system only on even numbered days if you live in an even numbered house. If you live in an odd...