Amelia Butcher, a contemporary dancer, and choreographer based in Carterton/Taratahi, is the recipient of the inaugural Carterton Events Centre Artist Residency. The Carterton Events Centre is offering a one-week workshop slot in their Taratahi Auditorium annually for...
On 20 August 2024 the Carterton District Council Hearings Committee considered the submissions received on its Initial Proposal regarding the representation arrangements for the Council to apply for the local elections to be held on 11 October 2025. The Council...
Carterton District Council has adopted its 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan [LTP] and rates resolution for the 2024/25 financial year, focusing on resilience and economic sustainability. LTP Documents Part 1 [PDF] [Includes: Message from the Mayor; Our Council; Our...
Carterton District Council is continuing to review its Long-Term Plan [LTP] after a review by the Office of the Auditor General [OAG] raised matters that require further changes. As part of the LTP process and final audit review, an audit opinion is required to allow...
Public notice of an application for resource consent pursuant to Section 2AB, 95A, of the Resource Management Act 1991 RM240005 Masterton Solar & Energy Storage Limited, SH2, Carterton Carterton District Council’s Planning Department has received a resource...