Daffodil Festival

Last updated: 10 Sep, 2024 04:36pm

Save the date!

Steam excursion

Poetry Competition

Visit Carterton


Daffodil Festival Square

Sunday 15 September

The Carterton Daffodil Festival is back for 2024.

Everyone’s favourite attractions, from the iconic daffodils, to the steam train excursion, the High Street market, and street performers will be back in action attracting over 10,000 visitors to the district.

This is one of the town’s biggest days with community groups and businesses coming together to ensure the town is at its most beautiful.


Daffodil Festival Steam Train

Steam Excursion

Carterton to Masterton (return) – tickets still available!

Experience a heritage passenger steam train trip from Carterton to Masterton and return! Enjoy a glimpse of a bygone era with 15 passenger cars dating from the early 1900s through to the 1930s.

This train excursion departs Carterton at 10.48am sharp, arriving in Masterton at 11.03am. From here you will disembark, before hopping back on the train to leave from Masterton at approximately 1.10pm.

Arriving back in Carterton at 1.25pm you’ll still have time to enjoy the Daffodil Festival High Street Markets, Middle Run and the Wai Art Show. This is one of the town’s biggest days with community groups and businesses coming together to ensure the town is at its most beautiful.

Carterton Daffodil Festival 2024 is proudly brought to you by Carterton District Council with support from the Wairarapa Times-Age
and TSC Traffic.

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Kids Poetry Competition!

Daffodil Poetry Competition winners have now been announced with each winning poem to be displayed at a key site on festival day.

A total of 94 entries were received from local young people with many schools encouraging their students to get creative.

First and second place category winners having their poem proudly displayed during the Festival.

Aged 5 – 10 Winner: Maximus Devenny, 9

Daffodil hiding underground

Is buried treasure.

Can’t be found,

Until it pops up to full measure

Hit by a ray of sunshine

Makes the garden quite fine

Pretty yellow petals create a star

Most attractive flower by far.

Aged 5 – 10: Second: Jack Eastman, 5

A bumblebee
drinks a cup of tea
from the daffodil
on my windowsil

Aged 11 – 14 Winner: Isaac McNeill, 13

The Garden

The garden smells of roses and honey, Bright buttercups and dainty daffodils, Lovely lilies and pretty posies,
Plentiful poppies and stunning sunflowers.
Quietly swaying to and fro, Like a crowd in a stadium…

Footballer me, I dribble, I kick…
Rustling the rest of many a flower.

Acrobat me,
The star of the show… I flip, I jump, I tumble,
Rolling around in the sweet-smelling grass.
Bookworm me, Glasses atop my head,
I turn pages under a wise old tree.
Shhh! I’m trying to read!

Gardener me, Chopping and pruning, Lawnmower chomping Oops!
There goes a rose.

Aged 11 – 14: Second: Brianna Smith, 11

Daffodils sway in the morning light.

Daffodils grow in the day and night.

Daffodils gaze away and again.

Daffodils smile day after day.

Daffodils light up the world each day.

Daffodil seeds grow up to the highest trees.

Daffodils sway away and again.

Daffodil seeds grow again.

Daffodils win the lottery ticket to my heart.

Daffodils are so kind to my family.

Daffodil bulbs grow again.

Aged 15 – 18 Winner: Jelaina Roubos, 18

In the springtime’s gentle light,

Daffodils bring joy so bright.

With golden petals standing tall,

They greet the sun, one and all.

Their trumpet blooms sway in the breeze,

A sea of yellow through the trees.

Simple flowers, pure and true,

Heralding the warmth anew.

As winter’s chill begins to fade,

Daffodils their dance parade.

A sign of spring, so fresh and clear,

Bringing hope as they appear.

Age 15 - 18: Second: Bede McCullough, 16

Path to a new life

Daffodils, how it feels to see

How different i never noticed during my tough path

Daffodils, how beautiful to be

Just like the life before me and after

Daffodils, i never noticed

During my chemo out the window

Daffodils, how beautiful to see

To see my new life ahead of me so bright

The daffodils will follow

My uncursed new life

Carterton, Wairarapa CREDIT JET PRODUCTIONS 59

Visiting from out of town?

Here are some great ideas around where to stay and what else to do while you’re here in Carterton.

Looking to explore the region? Destination Wairarapa have all the experiences to make your time here epic. Check out their ‘Wairarapa Must Dos’ here!


Will the Metlink trains still operate per their timetable?

Yes. Visit the Metlink website for times.

Note: You will need to purchase Metlink tickets for Metlink trains.

Daffodil Express Train tickets do NOT apply to Metlink trains.

Where can we park in Carterton?

Be aware there will be limited parking in Carterton throughout our Daffodil Festival – so when you do park, you can expect to do a little walking. Where possible catch public transport, carpool or get dropped off.

PLEASE follow and adhere to ALL No Parking signs. There are in place for safety and for event access.

What roads are closed in Carterton during the event?

There will be road closures in place between 6am and 4pm. We’ll provide a list of these roads a little bit closer to the time.

Are there buses to get to Middle Run? How much, where and when?

Free buses will be running throughout the day between Carterton & Middlerun – first bus departs at 10am.

Buses will depart from Masson Street, Carterton. All buses will take passengers out to the rural Gladstone property, and return to Broadway (outside Kings Woodworking).

Buses will depart from 10am, end at 2.30pm, and are completely FREE.

Just wait at Coopers Farm Services, on Masson Street and jump on the next available service.

Can we drive out to Middlerun?

NO! For safety reasons please do NOT drive your vehicle to Middlerun for the daffodil picking. There is nowhere for you to park. 

Please catch one of the FREE daffodil buses from Carterton.

After the large crowds last year we’re pulling in more buses to run more often in 2024. Please use these services.


How much is Middlerun?

Middlerun daffodil picking is $5 per bunch and monies raised go to Plunket and Wellington Free Ambulance.

There is no Eftpos or ATM on site and will operate as CASH ONLY.

What should I wear to Middlerun?

Middlerun is a rural property and we strongly advise you dress warmly or bring with you warm clothes and a jacket. Don’t forget to wrap the kids up warm too.

It is ESSENTIAL you wear appropriate footwear. Gumboots are advised or sneakers. Expect them to get dirty if there has been recent rain.

There will be a Wellington Free Ambulance and paramedics stationed out at Middlerun for the duration of the daffodil picking.

How do I book a stall?

For more information about the market stalls at the Daffodil Festival you will need to contact market organisers Grant or Heather Smith directly.

Please email smithspread@xtra.co.nz

Will there be a horse surrey carriage again?


There will be horse drawn carriages. These will leave from outside the Carterton Memorial Club on Broadway, and travel down Broadway to the train station and return.

This is cash only. Pricing details will be confirmed shortly.

More information?

Please follow Carterton Daffodil Festival NZ on Facebook.

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