Engagement & Partnerships

Last updated: 30 Jun, 2024 03:15pm




Contact Us

Carterton District Council partners with many community organisations and is committed to a community-led approach to developing community strengths and assets, and responding to issues that adversely affect our community.

We recognise people are the most important asset in our community and we seek to empower our people to participate in building a resilient, healthy, safe community.

The Community Services Team regularly consults with Community Engagement Groups to seek advice and guidance, particularly on issues that affect minority groups, such as youth, seniors, disabled persons, and Māori.

Contact our Community Development team if you are interested in being part of a Community Engagement Group.

There’s a comprehensive list and our community directory available on this page.


Carterton is supported by many volunteers who donate time, skills, and/or services to support council activities, community organisations, schools, neighbourhoods, families, and individuals.

There are a wide variety of different opportunities to volunteer.

Get in touch with the Carterton Information Centre, or any of the community organisations in the contacts list on this page, to find out more.

Community Directories

Wairarapa Safer Community Trust

The Wairarapa Safer Community Trust Directory website provides information and contact details of services available in Wairarapa.

    Carterton Directory

    The Carterton Directory  is a comprehensive list of our Carterton’s groups and contacts, for you to download and keep.

    Contact Us

    For more information on Community Engagement, contact:

    Becks Clarke, Community Development Team Leader, Carterton District Council
    Phone: 06 379 4081
    Email: becks@cdc.govt.nz
