Elections Q&A
Last updated: 20 Mar, 2025 02:44pm
About The Election
Frequently asked questions on standing for local body elections in Carterton.
Frequently asked questions for electors, candidates, and residents. If you can’t find an answer to your question, contact us.
About the Election
When is the next local body election in Carterton?
The timings for the 2025 local elections are:
Tuesday 1 July 2025
- Candidate nominations open and roll opens for public inspection
12 noon, Friday 1 August 2025
- Candidate nominations close and roll closes
Wednesday 6 August 2025
- Public notice of candidates’ names
Tuesday 9 – Monday 22 September 2025
- Voting documents delivered
Tuesday 7 October 2025
- Last day for posting vote by mail. After this date votes must be returned to council’s secure ballot boxes.
12 noon, Tuesday 11 October 2025
- Election day – voting closes midday
12 noon, 11 October 2025
- Preliminary results
16-22 October 2025
- Declaration of results
October/November 2025
- Elected members’ swearing in ceremony
Who is the election contact for Carterton District Council?
Contact the Deputy Electoral Officer, Robyn Blue, at demservices@cdc.govt.nz, or call 027 444 1561.
What type of voting method do you use?
Voting for the Carterton District Council election is ‘First Past the Post’ (FPP). The candidate or candidates that get the most votes win(s). This is the voting system being used by Carterton District Council this election year. Under FPP you can vote for as many candidates as you want but not more than the number of positions available on the voting document. You put a tick in the circle for the candidates you want to elect.
If registered, you also have the option to vote in the Greater Wellington Regional Council elections. The Regional Council currently operates its elections under the ‘Single Transferable Vote’ system. STV stands for Single Transferable Vote. STV is a preferential system of voting where you can rank as few or as many candidates as you like.
- For more information on GWRC’s election process, visit www.gw.govt.nz/your-council/council-and-councillors/local-governance-statement/the-electoral-system-and-processes/
- For more information about STV, go to www.stv.govt.nz.
Am I eligible to vote?
You’re eligible to enrol and vote if you are
- 18 years or older
- a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and
- you’ve lived in New Zealand continuously for 12 months or more at some time in your life.
How do I enrol to vote in these elections?
You will automatically appear on the roll that is used for the upcoming local body elections if:
- Carterton district is your main place of residence
- You have lived at your current address for more than one month
- You have enrolled to vote with the Electoral Commission and they have your current address.
If you have moved address since the last election, update your details at vote.nz, or contact us.
For more information on enrolment, visit our Information for Voters page.
If you own a property in this district and it is not your main residence you may be able to enrol as a Ratepayer elector. Download and complete the Carterton District Ratepayer Enrolment form.
How do I know whether I am enrolled?
The Electoral Commission will be undertaking a roll update campaign in early July 2022 in order to ensure the Parliamentary Electoral Roll which forms the basis of electoral rolls for the local authority election is as up-to-date as possible.
If you don’t receive a letter in the post during late June/early July 2022, the chances are you are not enrolled, or your details are incorrect.
You can also check your enrolment status on vote.nz.
I am New Zealand Māori, do I need to enrol on the Māori roll?
Not necessarily. If you are enrolling for the first time you can decide whether you want to go on the Māori Electoral Roll or the General Electoral Roll by signing the appropriate panel on the Parliamentary Elector Enrolment form.
I own a property in Carterton but it is not my full-time residence. How do I get on the Ratepayer Electoral Roll?
You need to complete a Ratepayer Enrolment form for Carterton District Council.
Download a Ratepayer Elector registration form .
This should be received by Electoral Officer by 11 August and absolutely no later than 4 pm Friday 10 October.
If it is after Friday 19 September you can be sent a Special Voting form and the Ratepayer Enrolment form.
Return these together in-person to Carterton District Council, 28 Holloway St, Carterton.
If it is easier you can complete the ratepayer enrolment form and have your special vote at the same time when at our office.
If the property is jointly owned, one person is nominated to vote.
We own a business in Carterton and pay rates, but we don’t live in Carterton – do we get a say in the local elections?
Yes, subject to being eligible to become enrolled as a ratepayer elector and becoming enrolled.
Download the Ratepayer Enrolment Form .
Where can I view the electoral roll that will be used for this election?
The electoral roll will be open for public inspection at the Carterton District Council office and library.
Am I eligible to vote?
You’re eligible to enrol and vote if you are:
- 18 years or older
- a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and
- you’ve lived in New Zealand continuously for 12 months or more at some time in your life.
Do I have to vote? I don’t know any of these candidates
No, you don’t have to vote. You also don’t have to vote for all candidates or for all elections. But your vote is important because the people elected will be responsible for making decisions about what happens in your community for the next three years.
To help you get to know about the candidates:
- there is a candidate profile booklet that comes out with the voting documents. This information will also be available on this website.
- there may be candidate meetings being held where you can meet the candidates and hear what policies the candidates are advocating for.
- Candidates often have their own social media page(s), advertise in local newspapers, and send out information to letterboxes in your area.
- Local newspapers will cover information about the election.
How do I return my voting documents?
As this is postal vote, the vote must be received by Saturday 11 October.
To ensure postal delivery by 11 October, the final day you can post your vote is Tuesday 7 October.
If you are voting after this time, you can deliver it in the sealed envelope provided to Carterton District Council up until 12 pm, Saturday 11 October.
If post is not your preferred option, between Tuesday 9 September and up until 12pm, Saturday 11 October hand delivery of voting documents will be accepted at the main office of the Carterton District Council at 28 Holloway St or the Carterton Events Centre.
Please provide the voting documents in the sealed enveloped provided.
I am 17 years old, can I enrol to vote?
Yes. If you’re 17, you can fill out an enrolment form now. That means you will be enrolled and ready to vote from age 18 years onwards. .
I didn’t get my voting documents, so I called and got a special vote. Now I have two documents. Which one should I use?
Use the original and destroy the special vote. The reason for this is that processing an original voting document is much simpler than processing a special vote. A special vote takes a lot more time and more importantly the elector may not have completed the declaration correctly which could make the special vote invalid – hence our advice/preference that the ordinary vote is returned.
I turn 18 on Election Day. Can I vote?
Yes, but you need to make sure you have enrolled which you can do provisionally from the age of 17 and it automatically changes when you turn 18. You will also need to apply for a special vote.
What do I do if I didn’t receive my voting pack?
If you are a resident in Carterton, and it’s before Monday 22 September, please wait until the mail has been delivered on Wednesday 21 September.
If documents are not received after that it is possible your name is not on the Electoral Roll, or documents were delivered to an old address.
If you are a ratepayer but Carterton is not your main place of residence, apply online at electionz.com or download a ratepayer enrolment form [PDF].
This must be returned to the Electoral Officer by 4 pm Friday 7 October 2022.
As you will not be on the electoral roll you will also be sent a special voting form at the same time This can be returned with your enrolment form.
However, if it is easier, you can complete the ratepayer enrolment form and have your special vote at the same time when you come to the Carterton District Council office.
Where can I cast a special vote?
You can be sent special voting forms in the mail which you will need to return in person to Carterton District Council.
You can also collect them from the Carterton District Council office and vote at the same time.
Visit the Carterton District Council office at 28 Holloway Rd between Tuesday 9 September and Friday 10 October during office hours – 9am to 4 pm.
Special votes will also be accepted on Election Day, Saturday 11 October, from 9am to 12pm.
Election Results
How are candidates advised about the election results?
Candidates will be advised as soon as possible after progress and preliminary results are known. This may be by email or phone.
When do elected members take up their roles?
Elected members take up office the day after the official result has been declared by public notice. However, they cannot act until they have sworn the oath of office which is usually at the first meeting of council. This first meeting is usually held as soon as practicable after the final election results are known.
When will we know the results of the election?
Progress and preliminary results will be announced as soon as possible after 12 noon on Saturday 11 October.