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The Project Pulse newsletter keeps you up-to-date with the latest from our major capital projects.


October/November 2023

Potable Water Tanks & Dalefield Pump Station

The pump station project is progressing well and is a testament to the work the project team has put in to date. Installing the pump sets is a significant milestone and will see the 2 x 2 million litre water tanks in operation in time for summer. The project is

image (8)

on track to be completed by the end of November.


Taverner Street sewer main renewals

G&C Diggers have completed the sewer main and all laterals including the reinstatement of the trench, with only a few quality control activities outstanding.

We are very pleased with the quality of work delivered by the project team. It was noted that the trench reinstatement was exceptional and the best quality workmanship seen for this particular activity

in recent years.


New local speed limits approved on Council roads

In June/July, we consulted the public on proposed changes to speed limits around schools, kindies/ECEs, marae, gravel roads, and high-priority roads. All submissions have been considered and Council made a decision at the meeting to approve the following recommendations:

  • Reducing speed limits around Schools and Early Childhood Education Centres (ECEs)
  • Reducing speed limits around Marae.
  • Reducing speed limits on high-priority roads as per the revisions in the agenda report
  • Adjusting speed limits on roads identified by the community.
  • Reducing gravel roads to 80km/hr.


A list of affected roads is available on our website


Other council updates

Manuka Trial Update

We’ve committed four hectares of land at Daleton Farm for a trial site to research the potential for native manuka and kanuka to uptake and breakdown pathogens in wastewater. This research is in partnership with Ra Smith and the Institute of Environmental Science and Research [ESR].

We have now planted 10,000 manuka at this site. The ongoing maintenance of this site and the plants will be carried out by our parks staff. Mana whenua were present at the start of the planting operation and a blessing and karakia was conducted by our Kaitātari Te Whakapono.


Wairarapa Combined District Plan – Open for submissions

The Proposed Wairarapa Combined District Plan is open for public submissions. Written submissions are being sought over a nine-week period running from 11 October 2023 to 19 December 2023.

A District Plan sets out rules for land use and subdivision in Wairarapa. It must provide for growth balanced against a community’s desired environmental outcomes. It sets out what activities people can do and what activities need resource consent.

The Proposed District Plan, including maps, are available on the website – The website contains information on the review and summaries on key topics. The Proposed District Plan is available to view at local libraries and Council offices along with hard copy information brochures and submission forms. Submissions are being invited either online, by email, or by post.


Carterton Events Centre named a finalist in EVANZ Small Venue of the Year Award

We’re so proud of our Carterton Events Centre for once again being named a finalist in the EVANZ awards. 



Carterton Events Centre Team Leader Erin Banks said the centre is a valuable arts and community asset for all Wairarapa.

“I’m just so proud our amazing team, and so happy that their hard work and commitment in making the centre what it is, has been acknowledged in this way.

“We feel so lucky to serve our Wairarapa community as hub of culture and creativity, and our purpose each day is to enrich the lives of everyone who comes here; be they artists, audience, library patrons or simply members of our community looking for a space that they feel is theirs.

“We may be a small-town centre with a relatively small population, but we aren’t daunted by taking on touring productions that have been seen the world over, and yet we deliver that same level of service and manaakitanga across the board, from international artists to local community groups.”

September/October 2023

Waingawa Process Water Project

Project Pulse Newsletters 2023 Page1 Image4In a positive step forward for industrial users in Waingawa Industrial park, a $1.75m grant from Kānoa [formerly the Provincial Growth Fund] and commitments from Carterton and Masterton District Council will support a new water supply.

The Waingawa Process Water project seeks to develop a supply of industrial water on the former Freezing Works site, owned by CDC. We have pledged funds to the project, and Masterton District Council also supports the idea and committed $250k towards the project.


Vintage Water Pump replaced

Project Pulse Newsletters 2023 Page1 Image51963. What a memorable year.

Carterton’s own Bob Charles won the British Open. The British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) began a twice-weekly jet service to London. The Queen visited. Like 2023, there was a general election.

And, of course, this pump was installed at Carterton wastewater treatment plant.

We have recently replaced two of the pumps which were long overdue for replacement after 60 years of service!


Water Reforms Update

 The Government has stated an intent to see Entity G, which includes Carterton and Wairarapa, go live on 1 October 2024.Project Pulse Newsletters 2023 Page2 Image5

Council staff are working with the National Transition Unit, and we will keep our community informed of updates and changes. We are progressing on the basis that WSE will be established, and we will go-live in October next year.



Manuka trial at wastewater treatment plant

We’ve committed four hectares of land at Daleton Farm for a trial site to research the potential for native manuka and kanuka to uptake and breakdown pathogens in wastewater.

Project Pulse Newsletters 2023 Page2 Image2 Project Pulse Newsletters 2023 Page2 Image2[/caption]This research is in partnership with Ra Smith and the Institute of Environmental Science and Research [ESR].

The work builds on studies that have shown evidence that manuka and kanuka crops have the ability to reduce pathogens in wastewater as well as also reducing nutrient loads, such as nitrogen, into the soil structure.

The study will increase our knowledge through the testing of the foliage, soils and, if successful, pave the way for further plantings to help us limit wastewater going into our waterways.

August/September 2023

Affordable Waters Reform Update (previously called Three Waters Reform)

Since the reset in April 2023 the NTU (National Transition Unit), a group within the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), has been working with Regional Steering Groups to further accelerate the establishment programme of the Water Services Entities (WSE).

Councils have expressed a wish for more transparency in the NTU, specifically more clarity around ‘go live’ dates.

Stranded Overheads

There are some costs that councils incur that won’t transfer to the new entity, such as support services, and electricity etc. For example, the cost of electricity used in our depot is mostly divided between our waters and parks and reserves teams, using rates to cover the cost. Although we will no longer have three waters after transition, we will still use the depot for parks and reserves. While Councils will receive funding to cover these stranded costs, it is only planned to cover the first two years after transition.

We are also awaiting details on the “no worse off” funding, however, this has been delayed many times and it’s unclear how this fund will be distributed or if details around the package will change. There is a risk that funding could be reduced from what was initially indicated, or that large Councils claim significantly more than has been allocated.

For our full report, please see our August Audit and Risk Committee agenda at

Data Management Improvement

Over the last year a lot of work has gone into the improvement of 3 Waters and Water Race asset data. A critical part of asset management is to have reliable asset maintenance records.

Using the information collected using Field Maps, we can create real time dashboards that share performance data, including operational performance, instead of multiple spreadsheets that are not displayed in real time.

Having Field Maps on our staff’s mobile devices allows collection of minimum data required to make a quality asset management decision. High data quality data better equips our teams to make good decisions.


Parks and Reserves

Carrington Park

The team have been undertaking general maintenance with the junior fenced play area being water blasted and the gate hinges renovated. The broken rail trolley has been replaced on the jungle gym.

Howard Booth Park

A faulty controller on one of the solar lights was replaced to ensure the lights are working as they should.

New seats have been installed with handrails to enable improved accessibility and align with our Positive Ageing Strategy.

Street Reserves

The hanging baskets have been replanted and hung back up throughout town.

Flowering annual displays on Holloway Street and Memorial Square are being maintained by the garden crew as well as the newly planted out street beds.

Taverner Street Renewal

G&C Diggers and Egis continue to work well together with good progress being made on the sewer main renewal project.

The team has completed the new sewer main and is now in the process of renewing and connecting all the laterals.

The rest of the work is programmed for completion late October, after which the team will move to SH2/High Street North where we are aligning with Waka Kotahi’s State Highway renewal programme.


Other Council updates

Wastewater Treatment Ponds Upgrade Project

With most of the scope of work complete for this project and the reservoirs functional and operational, the contractor is now finalising a few minor tasks which includes cleaning up and housekeeping.


Dalefield Road Pump Station

The team has made good progress on the pump station building as well as the pipe work connecting our 2 x 2 million litre water tanks to the pump station. The project is progressing well and is on track to be completed on time at the end of November.


Working with Pasifika o Wairarapa

Our Positive Ageing Strategy Coordinator is continuing to support the Pasifika o Wairarapa organisation that hosts an older Pacific person’s event (Aosinasina Group) every Friday. Art and crafts materials are being donated from our old holiday programme supplies, wool is being donated by the Masterton Lions and they received a small amount of funding from Carterton District Council. We have also liaised with Neighbourhood Support and Metlink who are promoting a community services card/Snapper Card discount.


Carterton District Youth Council

Our Youth Development Coordinator is relaunching our Youth Council. Part of this is a review of what has been done in the past and touching base with the rangatahi who were involved last year, as well as those who took part in our Te Rautaki Rangatahi o Wairarapa: Wairarapa Youth Strategy engagement work and expressed interest in joining the Youth Council.


Wairarapa Library Service (WLS)

Improving the physical state and range of reading material across the WLS collection has been a focus for the team over the past two years. In 2022/23 collection turnover (the number of times books in a collection have been circulated) has increased from 2.32 (2021/22) to 2.56 which is above the average across NZ and Australian peer libraries.

Usage of digital collections in 2022/23 has seen 14,703 eBooks, 10,172 eAudiobooks and 5,259 eMagazines issued.

There were 945 new members in 2022/23 (568 for SWDC and 377 for CDC). The total active membership of WLS sits at 10,525 at 30 June 2023 (4,474 for SWDC and 6051 for CDC).


Events Centre usage update

Total Events (Private/Community and public – not including internal meetings): 1850, a 42% increase on the previous year.

Total tickets sold in 22/23 to public events: 9304, a 54% increase on the previous year.


July/August 2023

Parks and Reserves update

The crew has been busy maintaining our flowering annual displays on Holloway Street and Memorial Square, as well as the newly planted street beds.

Street spraying operations throughout the urban area are ongoing (weather permitting)

The hanging baskets have been replanted and hung up throughout town.

A compostable toilet is ready to be installed at Ngā Tāwhai Reserve, and one has already been installed at Kokotau Reserve.

The team have been undertaking general maintenance at Carrington Park, such as water blasting the junior play area, renovating the gate hinges and replacing the broken rail trolley on the jungle gym.

New seats have been installed at Howard Booth Park. These seats have handrails to enable improved accessibility and align with our Positive Ageing Strategy. Work is near completion on the new toilet facility.

The Sparks Park toilet is very close to completion, with just a few finishing touches required before we can open it.

Ruamāhanga Roading Update

A joint roading venture between Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils and Fulton Hogan.

2022/23 has been a year of emergency responses on top of the previous emergency response with more than 400 jobs completed over and above normal road maintenance.

Feb 2022 event – The final expenditure for the 22/23 financial year for this event was $177,220.

August 2022 event – We have spent $353,400 to date and there are 67 dispatches with a value of $548,339 programmed for permanent repair.

Flat Point event (October 2022) – We requested $88,524 for the initial response and $476,294 for permanent repairs, which was approved by Waka Kotahi in February 2023. We have successfully completed 41 dispatches/jobs to date with a claim of $60,713 under this event.

Cyclone Hale event – Further to the initial response of $190,000, we have completed 165 dispatches/jobs to date to the value of $ 412,068 under this event.

Cyclone Gabrielle event – To date we have completed 162 dispatches/jobs with a claim of $543,870 under the Cyclone Hale event.


Even with the significant additional workload, our roading team has still done a great job delivering planned maintenance.


Wastewater Treatment Ponds Upgrade Project

The new reservoirs have been partially handed over to our operations team who are working with the project team to streamline the automation of the pumps and valves. Completed programming and controls are functioning to expectations. Overall, the WWTP operators are impressed with the improvements and that all of the new functions have been implemented, needing very little input from them apart from learning how the new HDMI screens, tags and set points work.

We are planning for practical completion of the project in July 2023.


Other Council updates

Speed Review Consultation now closed

The public consultation on our interim Speed Management Plan has now closed. The proposal asked for feedback on lowering the speed limit around several schools, early childhood education centres and marae, and a speed limit review on some high-priority roads. Thank you to everyone who took the time to make a submission and provide us with feedback. We received a fantastic response, with more than 255 submissions. We will now go through the process of collating the submissions, setting a date for submission hearings, and contacting those who have asked to speak to their submissions. Following the hearings, our council will discuss the submissions and take into consideration any suggested changes resulting from public feedback. After changes are made, a finalised version will be adopted by the Council in a public meeting.


2023 Daffodil Festival and the Wai Art Show

Carterton is gearing up for another huge weekend in September with the return of the iconic Daffodil Festival on Sunday 10 September, and the Big Wai Art show on 8-10 September. Head to for more details or visit for the Wai Art Show.


Ngā Tāwhai Reserve planting success

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Matariki for the successful planting event at Ngā Tāwhai Reserve. The Council has worked hard to restore the reserve on Ngatawhai Road, Te Wharau. It has been under-utilised and inaccessible to the public until now. However, with your help, we have now planted 500 natives, and look forward to publicly opening this reserve later in the year. Shout out to our Parks and Reserves team and our Climate Change Advisor Sky for all your work in this area.


Are you a local musician looking for a small, intimate performance setting? Talk to us about our new Te Mahau Gigs!

Carterton Events Centre is celebrating the launch of its new series of gigs catering for bands and local musicians looking for a smaller, more intimate venue. Te Mahau Gigs, named after the Events Centre’s foyer, is an initiative from the Events Centre Team inspired by the gap in the Wairarapa venue scene for those wanting a smaller, more intimate setting for live performances. Our auditorium fits up to 450 people for standing gigs, but some up-and-coming artists find the large space daunting, or struggle to sell that number of tickets, and sometimes it’s not actually the best venue for artists who need a more intimate space for their work.

We can provide beautiful lighting and various staging options to suit your needs

Call us on 06 379 4081 to have a chat about what we can offer.

June/July 2023

Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

The Frederick Street Water Treatment plant upgrade is now complete. This has been a challenging and lengthy project, however the benefits of this project for Carterton residents are huge. Originally the Treatment Plant (bores) was designed to be a supplementary plant, and a source to the Kaipaitangata Water Treatment Plant (the main water treatment plant). However, the Kaipaitangata Stream has environmental constraints, as it would dry up in the summer, and would have high turbidity in the winter (the water getting churned up by heavy rain and losing clarity). This has caused us to become more dependent on the Frederick Street Plant. Due to the increase in usage and the non-compliance with NZ Drinking Water Standards, a Treatment Plant upgrade project was launched in 2019.


Five Towns Trail – Carterton to Greytown Link

The Wairarapa Five Towns Trail Network is an ambitious project to develop almost 200km of recreational trails for walking and cycling, linking Martinborough, Featherston, Greytown, Carterton and Masterton.

The Carterton-Greytown link connects the two townships with a signature trail, supported in Council’s 10-year plan, as part of the Wairarapa Five Towns Trail. Connecting Carterton to Greytown using off-road trails will provide an accessible pathway linking Wairarapa’s towns and the Wellington regional network through the Remutaka Cycle Trail and Hutt River Trails. CDC set aside $295k in its long-term budget 2021/31 to complete scoping and feasibility work. External funding will be sought for the construction the trail.

The route is yet to be finalised, and community feedback will be vital in deciding the final route. Council is partnering with mana whenua and engaging with landowners along the trail, and the community as we progress the plan for this stage.


New pedestrian crossing

The Council has responded to a community request for safe pedestrian access from the Wheatstone Street footpath to the train station. The train station operator GWRC has a much larger project planned for pedestrian access in the future, however, they were not sure when or if this project would be delivered, so the Council came to the party.

Our roading team developed a temporary solution to ensure that Carterton residents can have safe access to the railway station. This work was completed as part of our footpath renewal programme, when we renewed the footpath surface on Wheatstone Street, Davy Street and Faraday Street.


Wastewater Treatment Plant Reservoirs Upgrade

The blessing of the Council’s wastewater treatment reservoirs last month was the latest

stage in our goal to eliminate wastewater from the Mangatarere catchment. Representatives also signed an agreement between Carterton District Council, Ngāti Kahukuraāwhitia, and Greater Wellington, to lease over 20ha of land for a nursery that would grow poplar and willow poles, using treated wastewater for irrigation.

Financial update

In December 2021 officers updated council on the contractual performance challenges, the damage to the three reservoir liners, and the subsequent default process of the main contractor Central Hawkes Bay Earthmovers Ltd (CHBE). Council approved additional operating expenditure of $300,000 for legal costs, and $1,644,087 additional capex to remediate the damaged liner and complete the Waste Water Treatment Plant reservoir project, bringing the overall budget for the project to $14,612,446.

Repairing the damage and completing outstanding work.

This has been complex given the extent of damage, complex repair methodology, and quality of the original workmanship. At the time of the default the cost to complete from CHBE was $238,365. This means the council was contractually liable for a further $239k to CHBE to complete all remaining Stage 2 work. In December 2021 we estimated a cost to complete for Stage Two of $944,678. Council approved this as part of the $1,644,087 additional capex. The most recent forecast of the cost to complete for Stage Two is $1,883,326. This is due to the escalation of construction costs and significant weather events.

Updated estimate

Now we have the estimated cost to complete for Stage Two, management is able to combine this with our estimates for the remainder of the project. The forecast for the total project is now estimated to be $15,168,188, or $555,742 (3.8%) over the approved budget, including contingency. Management recommended increasing the project budget approval to $15,168,188 at its 28 June Ordinary Council Meeting.

Recovery of additional costs from CHBE

The recovery assessment to date has seen the following activities undertaken:

  • The Engineer to the contract has reviewed cost to complete and has certified that CHBE owes CDC $1,261,339 to the end of April 2023.
  • The Engineer has formally advised CHBE of this assessment under the contract.
  • Council has formally called on the Contractors Performance Bond which has a value of $343,172.
  • Council is currently holding retention money of $125,898.

Next steps

The project has not yet reached practical completion which is the date by which any claims against CHBE cease. Practical Completion is expected to occur within the next few weeks. Further claims against the CHBE for the period from 1st May 2023 until practical completion, will be considered by the Engineer to the Contract.

Taken together with the cost to complete, we anticipate the total settlement amount against CHBE (to the end of April 2023) to be in the region of $1.570m. We anticipate this will be offset by the bond and retention recoveries, leaving a balance amount of claim of approximately $1.1m. Now that CHBE has been notified of the outstanding cost, the agreement provides for an ability to provide CDC with a replacement Contractors Bond for the value of the estimate ($1.261k). Management consider this outcome unlikely.

If CHBE choose not to provide a replacement bond or fail to pay the certified costs, CDC can pursue the remaining amounts through legal processes. We are in the process of preparing alternative strategies for recovery of our claimed costs.

For the full report, see the 28 June 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting agenda at


May/June 2023

Ruamahanga Roading Update

A joint roading venture between Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils and Fulton Hogan

The Ruamāhanga Roads team has made use of every opportunity to progress our annual pavement renewal programme, despite challenging weather conditions. Pavement renewal plays a critical role in managing network maintenance cost and performance.

We avoid excessive maintenance costs by renewing the pavement and seal at the appropriate time.

The team continues to work through the cyclone carnage with another dropout repaired on Te Wharau Road.

Hughes Line

Due to increased recent usage, Hughes Line was temporarily closed during May between Francis Line and East Taratahi Road, for urgent repairs.

Wastewater Treatment Ponds Upgrade Project

The wastewater treatment plant reservoir upgrade programming, and the valve and pumping testing is well underway and set for completion by July. The new dual wet wells are supporting design flows from the wetlands.

The 75kW pumps have been tested and are discharging into Reservoir 1 through the new intake pipework and outlets.

This stage of works is a complex process. The construction team, in collaboration with the Council’s operations department, have been working on this process and will continue to test, revise and retest the project parameters until we are completely satisfied with the end result.

The team is also finalising the ancillary works, such as the landscaping.


Waka Kotahi Transport Choices: Carterton School Link

Carterton schools receive bike storage boost as part of funding for improved travel options for the community.

Five Carterton schools will welcome additional storage for bikes through funding from Waka Kotahi’s Transport Choices Programme secured by Carterton District Council.

The programme helps councils develop strategic cycle networks, create walkable neighbourhoods, and establish safer, more sustainable school transportation options as part of the government’s Climate Emergency Response Programme. Last year CDC was successful in receiving $918,720 of funding for a Connecting Carterton Schools’ Link cycleway as part of this programme. This will connect five town-centre schools through a network of safe on-road cycle paths and off-road trails.

CDC has now received an additional $180,000 through Transport Choices to complement the Connecting Carterton – Schools’ Link cycleway project. This will provide undercover bike sheds and racks, and funding to decorate the sheds to match each schools’ identity. Schools raised the lack of adequate bike storage facilities as a barrier to children using their bikes to get to and from school.

Clare Crawford, Principal at South End School, has welcomed the new initiative.

“We’re excited to plan for a new bike shed at South End School,” said Clare.

“Our current bike shed has been converted into a cloakroom, which means students have to leave their bikes and scooters out in the rain or sun. With the development of a safe cycleway, we’re looking forward to seeing more children riding bikes or scooters to school, and it’s great news that they will have a secure and covered place to store their bikes.”

The Council is working with schools to determine their storage requirements, while the Connecting Carterton – Schools’ Link cycleway is in the concept design stage. Both initiatives are expected to be complete by 30 June 2024.


Water Race Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Water Race survey in March.

We received a great response, with 219 completed surveys, 166 of which were from water race users. This information will be used to help with our application for a new consent with Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) for the take and discharge of water for the water race system.

Survey results

water race

water race


March/April 2023

Ruamahanga Roading Update

A joint roading venture between Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils and Fulton Hogan

The Roading team has come under significant pressure over the last 12 months, registering a staggering 5 emergency events since February 2022, with an estimated value of $8,296,703.

Following Cyclone Gabrielle, Waka Kotahi has committed to special funding assistance that will be available for the recent events with a $250 million interim emergency relief package. This funding is available through to 30 June 2023 for local roads, rail infrastructure and state highways damaged in the January flooding events or Cyclone Gabrielle. The Waka Kotahi Board has approved, a one-off special funding assistance rate (FAR) of normal FAR plus 40% for immediate response activities only. There is also the option for Waka Kotahi to consider financial hardship through a bespoke FAR adjustment of up to 100%. The intention of the policy is to alleviate financial stress in the short-term.

Council has already applied for this funding and our applications are currently under review. We are awaiting approval and an indicative construction programme to better understand what the Council share will be and when it will be required.

We have also successfully negotiated with Greater Wellington Regional Council to extract the river run from Kaiwhata Road, which was formed due to material being deposited during Cyclone Gabrielle. We will use the river run for the unsealed road metalling.

The team is working hard to deliver the routine maintenance programme as well as responding to these events.

Wastewater Treatment Ponds Upgrade Project

Repairs to the liner are progressing well. Our contractor Viking aims to complete all repairs by the end of March, despite the weather impacting their progress. The programming and commissioning of automatic control systems is now the critical path and main activity in progress. We are still aiming to issue practical completion of the entire project by the end of June 2023.

Potable Water Storage Tanks

We are pleased to report that the water storage tanks reached practical completion in March.

What happens next?

The Council needs to progress with its pump station project to get the tanks operational.

The original project timeline that was proposed by the preferred supplier extended well into summer 2023/24. The goal now is to complete the project by the end of November 2023 to have the new storage tanks operational and available for the entire summer period.

What about the cost?

In May 2022 the Council’s infrastructure team met with a local contractor regarding the pump station project to discuss a proposed functional description (how it will work) and estimated cost. Based on information at hand, a project cost was estimated at $600,000. Due to the obvious complexity of the functional description and project estimate, it was decided to complete a detailed design for the pump station and then go through a formal procurement process.

Therefore, Council approved an increase to the pump station project budget to $1,200,000. This will be funded by $836,000 from Water Reserves, and $364,000 from new waters borrowing.


Wairarapa Combined District Plan Review

The joint committee met on 16 February to consider the feedback received on some of the chapters of the proposed new plan. The chapters discussed were:

Strategic Direction – The feedback received through the draft District Plan consultation process has identified some areas where the objectives in the Strategic Direction Chapter could be strengthened and clarified to provide better direction.

Rural Zone – Feedback was received from 31 individuals or organisations on the General Rural Zone and 4 organisations on the Rural Lifestyle Zone. Feedback was generally in support of some of, or all of the objectives, with a number of requested amendments or additions to address specific matters.

General Residential Zone– approximately 15 submissions referred to the mandatory requirement for rainwater tanks with a minimum total capacity of 5,000L. The majority of the submissions supported this requirement. Some submissions requested that the requirement be refined, e.g., amending the standard to scale the capacity required depending on the size of the site, dwelling, or climate of the area.

A second popular topic was minimum lot sizes. Submissions that referred to minimum lot sizes generally supported the proposed smaller lot sizes. However, half of the submissions referring to this topic sought that minimum lot sizes be decreased further or removed and replaced with other standards to achieve quality residential outcomes.

Open Space Zones – Feedback was received from 11 individuals or organisations on the Open Space Zones. Feedback was generally in support of the chapters, with a number of requested amendments or additions to address specific matters such as additional zoning for certain areas such as cemeteries, holiday parks, cycle tracks etc.

The final phase of the District Plan Review will be to seek formal submissions on a Proposed District Plan (mid 2023).

Further information on the Draft District Plan are available on the website

February/March 2023

Ruamahanga Roading Update

A joint roading venture between Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils and Fulton Hogan

Sealed road pavement maintenance

  • Finalised the reseal programme list for 2023/24
  • We fixed 41 potholes in January & fixed one edge break on Park Road.
  • We have inspected 129km of sealed roads and programmed them according to their routine maintenance inspection category.


Unsealed road maintenance

  • We inspected 87km of unsealed roads.
  • The main roads inspected were Kaiwhata, Te Wharau, Mangatarere Valley, and Waiohine Gorge Road.
  • During the unsealed inspection, we increased our focus on quality control and most defects in the unsealed roads were identified. As a result, we are seeing an improvement in the network.
  • We have already graded 48km of road and we are planning to do more grading in our network for the roads that were damaged by past rainfall events.


Traffic service renewal

We have upgraded 4 signs on High Street, 4 signs on Moffats Road, and 3 signpost replacements on Belvedere Road, Admiral Road, and Fantail Street.


Footpath renewal

We added Pembroke Street to our reseal list, starting from Callister Place to Carters Court.


Upgrade bridge strengthening on various rural roads

  • Bridge strengthening will take place to accommodate heavy vehicles. We are planning to include the Managatārere bridge, however the list of bridges scheduled for maintenance is yet to be confirmed.
  • Seal widening on secondary collector roads to One Network Road Classification standards
  • We are planning road widening/sealed shoulder/improved curve alignment to improve the safety of collector roads to the posted speeds.
  • The proposed list is in the process of being finalised.


Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

The Frederick Street Water Treatment plant upgrade has reached the final stages. The commissioning of the new 2nd Ultra-Violet system was completed in February, as favourable weather conditions enabled the Kaipaitangata Plant to supply the network while the UV was being commissioned. The 2nd UV system is now fully operational. The data and controls for the UV are also integrated into our systems.
New dosing units have also been installed and commissioned along with the new injector point. This allows a longer contact time to enable the plant to meet the current drinking water standards. The last stage of the upgrade involves installing new power supply to Bores 1 & 3, then fitting Variable Speed Drives at the 3 operational bore heads and connecting the new Fibre Optic Cable for control.

Phase 3 – Lincoln Road water main

The water main installation and reinstatement have now been completed. The project team is working with Downer on their final quality assurance submission and project closeout.

Storage tanks

The assembly of the tanks is completed. The project team is working with the sub-contractor REL on commissioning.


Dalefield Road Pump Station

In May 2022 the CDC Infrastructure Team met with a local contractor regarding the pump station project to discuss a proposed functional description (how it will work) and estimated cost. Based on
information at hand, a project cost was estimated at $600,000. Due to the obvious complexity of functional description and project estimate it was decided to complete a detailed design for the
pump station and then go through a formal procurement process.  Following our tender, the Tender Evaluation Team believe the anticipated total project cost will be $1,200,000. Council has now approved an increase to the Pump Station project budget to $1,200,000, which will be funded with $836,000 from reserves, and $364,000 from new  borrowing. The original project timeline proposed by the preferred supplier extended well into summer of 2023/24. The goal is to complete the project by the end of November 2023 to have the functionality of the new storage tanks available for the entire summer period.


Wastewater Treatment Plant Reservoirs Upgrade

The completion of the reservoirs construction is going well. The installation of the conductive liner has allowed us to undertake electrical leak detection, and this testing is now 100% completed. Viking is back onsite carrying out the liner repairs and expect this to be completed by mid-March (weather dependent). Following this will be the commissioning of the reservoirs which involves the initial filling of reservoirs 2 and 3 (reservoir 1 filling is already completed), and proof of emptying at least one reservoir to demonstrate it meets the design requirements. Completion of top-soiling immediately after the lining has been repaired is planned to be complete by the end of March.


Cyclone Gabrielle Mayoral Relief Fund

Wairarapa mayors have opened a Relief Fund in response to the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle. Eligibility criteria and the application process will be posted on Masterton, Carterton and South Wairarapa District Council websites when finalised. Carterton Hon. Ron Mark said he supports the Fund’s establishment. “Having a financial mechanism through which our councils, private citizens and potentially government who wish to donate to supporting our people who have been devastated by this cyclone across the Wairarapa is very important. That the determination as to where the priorities are, and who will receive funding, will be made by the three Mayors based on the cyclone’s impact and the needs of our local communities, should give everyone confidence that the funds that they donate will be used fairly, wisely and impartially.”

  • Donations to the Wairarapa Mayoral Relief Fund can be made to 03-0687-0271682-03, using the donation reference ‘WAISTORM’.
  • Applications for the fund are now open. Visit for application forms and more information.
January/February 2023

Ruamahanga Roading Update

A joint roading venture between Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils and Fulton Hogan

Emergency works

The roading team has made good progress with repairing the damage caused by extreme weather in early 2022. We have completed the first dropout and are now on the 2nd using roughly 280 ton of lime rock boulders to date. We are also in the process of replacing 9 culverts on Arawhata Hill (Te Wharau Road). While replacing the culverts we are increasing capacity and improving the alignment to ensure better stormwater management.

Improving Resilience

The team has been working with Greater Wellington Regional Council to develop a planting plan for Te Wharau Road in order to improve resilience to the network. We are planning to plant at least 850 Poplar tree poles in Autumn 2023. The establishment of these trees brings significant benefits in terms of slope stability and ground water uptake. Improving resilience will have a significant positive impact on future maintenance cost and environmental impacts. This resilience work aligns with a recent Wairarapa Road Vulnerability study completed by WSP on behalf of Wairarapa Engineering Lifelines Association (WELA). The study identified Te Wharau Road as one of CDC’s most vulnerable roads.

Visit for more information.

Soft Plastic and Battery Recycling now available at the Transfer Station – Free of charge!

Exciting new services are now available at Carterton District Transfer Station with the introduction of a soft plastics and battery recycling trial. Carterton residents can now drop off clean, soft plastics and a range of batteries at the district transfer station for free.

Please note – we still cannot accept these in your kerbside recycling bin due to the sorting process and how they are recycled.

Residents and ratepayers have repeatedly told Carterton District Council that recycling batteries and soft plastics were a priority for the District. The Council has responded by entering into agreements with companies that are able to recycle them. 

Upcycle will handle the management of recycling batteries. A battery bucket is available at our recycling station, and stations throughout Wairarapa, for small household batteries from devices like TV remote controls, torches, or hearing aids. Components from the batteries will be separated for re-use, recovery, and re-processing. Soft plastics will be collected and baled at Earthcare’s Materials Recovery Facility in Masterton before being transported to Future Post, a Kiwi company fence post manufacturer.

Transport Choices Package

We’re excited that our application to Waka Kotahi NZ’s Transport Choices Package has been accepted. The Transport Choices programme supports councils to give people more options in the way they travel.

Funding criteria specified projects that would deliver strategic cycling/micro mobility networks; create walkable neighbourhoods; support healthy school travel; or make public transport easier to use. The aim is to open up streets so everyone can get where they need to go in ways that are good for their health and the planet.

Waka Kotahi has confirmed it is happy to have further scoping discussions with us to understand our priorities for the Wairarapa Five Towns Trail Network. This portion has been indicatively funded as the off-road schools connection.

The Government has funded $350 million for the Transport Choices package from the Climate Emergency Response Fund, part of Budget 2022. We are pleased to have been granted $918,720 for this project out of this fund.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Reservoirs Upgrade

The Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project is scheduled to reach practical completion at the end of the fiscal year, around 30 June 2023.

We anticipate at this time we will better understand the cost for completing the Phase 2 works, remedial repairs and additional claims against the main contractor Central Hawkes Bay Earthworks. We will progress our claim against the contractor once this information is to hand.

Additionally, management has reviewed the costs to date and the forecast to bring the project to practical completion. We anticipate total project costs as shown below:


 Project stage Cost (life to date)  Forecast remaining spend  Total forecast spend  Total Project Budget
Stages One and Two 7,654,348 0 7,654,348  
Stage Three 5,144,065 1,106,772 6,250,837  
Remedial, contingencies, legal, other



















The table above shows a potential forecast overrun of $340k. However, within the total forecast budget there are several items which may not eventuate, as well as the likelihood of recovering significant costs from CHB. This includes the following:

Potential extension of time costs (related to mudfish delay) of $428k factored into the forecast, which Council may be required to pay.

Legal fees of $220k in the forecast remaining spend which may not be required. Approximately $320k in costs related to remedial work on the liner which we expect to be able to recover. We will also pursue additional cost recoveries (e.g. legal costs).

Retentions of $125k which we expect to keep, reducing the amount to be paid.

We will continue to provide updates as the project is completed and we gain more certainty around these elements.


October/November 2022

Ruamāhanga Roading Update

Emergency works

The Council has successfully secured emergency funding from Waka Kotahi for the rain damage suffered in August 2022. The total estimate for the repairs is $800,000, of which $688,454 is at a 72% Funding Assistance Rate (FAR). This now brings us to $1,034,119 of emergency works over and above our normal road maintenance and renewal budget. While this is good news, the additional scope of work increases the pressure on the team and Fulton Hogan. Fulton Hogan is planning to increase resources for the contract through in-house resource and sub-contracting.

Resurfacing programme

The recent break in weather has allowed the team to start with the resurfacing programme which is planned to be completed before Christmas.

Routine maintenance

We can clearly see the impact of the persistent rain on the road network over the last three months. We responded to 276% more potholes compared to the same period last year. This significant increase is a result of both saturation and aging surfaces. The increased rate of deterioration will have a flow-on effect on the required maintenance, surfacing and rehabilitation of roads in the future.

Frederick Street water treatment plant upgrade

Phase 1 – Frederic Street Treatment plant upgrade

The upgrade of the Frederick Street plant is progressing well with the majority of the physical works now complete. The outstanding works include:

1. The installation of the final pipe pieces (basically 2 elbows) for the new UV.

2. Electrical connection of Borehole 3 to Treatment plant. Historically bore 3 had an independent electrical connection which made CDC vulnerable as we would lose the functionality of the bore in a power outage. The new connection will significantly improve our resilience as we have a dedicated generator for the Treatment plant.

3. New variable speed drives (VSD) for the bore pumps.

4. Programming and automation – Once all the hardware is completed, the plant will be able to operate manually while programming is completed. When completed the plant will be relatively fully automatic.

Water storage tanks 

Phase 2 – Dalefield Storage Tanks

The project is progressing well with a planned completion date of the end of November 2022. Wind is the main risk during the roofing and wall construction.

Key milestones for the project are:

1. Roof – Completed 27 October 2022

2. Walls – Planned completion 30 November 2022.


Dog tags for life

We have placed an order to be implemented next year for a permanent life of the dog tag system. At present, four councils in New Zealand are using the permanent tags including two in the North Island. The benefits of moving to a permanent tag are environmental as well as financial.

At present, Council orders approximately 2,500 long plastic tags and 1,000 round disk tags per year. Owners have the option to use either the tag or the disk, however this means that we invariably dispose of excess tags every year, and owners put the expired tags into the waste stream.

The change would mean that Council officers wouldn’t have to mail out new tags for people who pay for dog registrations online ($1.50 per envelope), and there would be savings in staff time from the public coming less frequently to the office for a new tag.

There are other benefits to the tags, including the option of uploading owner contact details which can be accessed by scanning the QR code on your dog’s tag, in the event your dog gets lost.

Greater Wellington Regional Council Proposed Plan Change One

Carterton District Council has made a submission to Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Proposed Regional Plan Change. We have prepared a summary of our submission below.

CDC is committed to adapting to and reducing our impact on climate change. The GWRC Proposed Plan Change seeks to go harder and faster than the Climate Change Amendment (Zero Carbon) Act 2019 and to include biogenic methane, which the Government has dealt with separately through the He Waka Eke Noa partnership with the Agriculture industry.

Climate change

We are concerned that Wairarapa will be used as a ‘carbon sink’ to offset emissions that are created by other Councils in the region – i.e. that the generation versus offset of emissions will be highly disproportionate in the eastern and western parts of the Greater Wellington region. CDC is particularly concerned that Wairarapa will be subject to significant afforestation to offset emissions from the wider region. The Proposed Plan Change also seeks to go harder and faster than the Climate Change Amendment (Zero Carbon) Act 2019 and seeks to include biogenic methane, whereas the Act specifically excludes biogenic methane.

National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land

CDC notes that the National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL) was released after Plan Change 1 was notified.

CDC requests that any amendments to the RPS to give effect to the NPS-HPL be undertaken via a variation or a separate future plan change, as the consequences of any amendments would likely be significant and should therefore be subject to a full and separate Schedule 1 process.

We make similar comments regarding the NPS on Indigenous Biodiversity in our submission.

Use of Freshwater Planning Process

CDC is concerned with the breadth of the Plan Change content that is considered subject to the Freshwater Planning Process (FPP), rather than the Schedule 1 process. The FPP process provides limited scope for future public input, and CDC is very concerned that a large number of provisions are subject to the FPP where freshwater is not the primary issue and is instead peripheral or only one of several issues to which the provision relates. This is an inappropriate use of the FPP process.

Overall we think the RPS Plan Change 1 needs a lot more work and refinement before being adopted by the Regional Council. We are disappointed at the timing of the Plan Change quietly issued during the middle of local body elections. We are disappointed our request GWRC extend the deadline for consultation, to allow new Councils the ability to review draft submissions, was refused.

The full submission can be found online at

Wairarapa Combined District Plan

It’s time to review Wairarapa’s District Plan! The Wairarapa Combined District Plan is now over ten years old and is due for review. District Plans must be reviewed and updated every 10 years. The review is an opportunity to influence how land use and subdivision is managed in the districts.

It’s important to protect the things we value, and also to allow for growth.

Help us review the Draft Wairarapa Combined District Plan.

Come along to a community ‘drop-in’ session to find out more and share what you think.

Public feedback is now welcome until December 6th.

Visit to find out more or visit our Council office on Holloway Street.

The full submission can be found online at

September/October 2022

Ruamahanga Roading Update

The Ruamāhanga Roads team was under significant pressure due to major weather-induced damage on the road network. To date, the accumulated rainfall from January 2022 is at 153% of the historical average. The extreme weather resulted in severe slips and damage which could potentially isolate remote communities. The team intervened in several responses, opening roads such as Te Wharau Road, Admiral Station Road and Clifton Grove (to name a few) with minimal disruption to road users.

Due to the resulting hardship, we have applied for emergency funding from Waka Kotahi to the value of $800,000. The application is currently under review and is separate to the approved flooding event in February 2022.

Emergency works have a significant impact on internal and contracted resources, as well as on our planned works programme and the ability to deliver a basic level of service. To date, the emergency works have resulted in an approximate 25% increase in workload just on the Carterton District Council Network – noting that we are only 2 months into the financial year. We are working with South Wairarapa District Council and Fulton Hogan to address the shortage of overall resources.

Frederick Street water treatment plant upgrade

Progress on the upgrade has been slow in September.

Even the recent good weather could not be utilised as the weather forecast predicted heavy rain which affected planning by our supplier. Work on the Frederick Street water treatment plant requires shutting the plant down and taking water from the Kaipaitangata Water Treatment Plant, which is easily affected by inclement weather affecting water quality. Due to weather delays, we have now lost a week on our programme for the delivery of stage 3 & 4 of the upgrade, which moves the completion of the upgrade to the first week of November 2022.

A reminder of the project’s four independent phases:

Phase 1 Frederick Street water treatment plant upgrade

Once completed, we will have the ability to supply up to 75 litres per second and have resilience in terms of the old UV treatment.

Phase 2 Water storage tanks

The water storage tanks are progressing well with the concrete foundations now complete. Assembly of the roof structure has started and is planned to be completed shortly.

Phase 3 Water main

Downer is progressing well with the pipeline. Downer has lost some time due to inclement weather, however we should see the project completed towards the end of October.

Phase 4 Pump station

Phase 4 will make all these improvements functional. The pump station will be situated at the Dalefield storage tanks and will circulate water between the treatment plant and the storage tanks.


Water storage tanks 

As per Phase 3 above, the storage tank construction is coming along nicely. Once completed, the tanks will hold an additional 4 million litres of potable drinking water.








Lincoln Road closures and work

Lincoln Road was closed between Frederick Street and Dalefield Road during daytime hours on weekdays from Monday 12 September, with the closure planned to be in effect for at least four weeks. The road closure has allowed contractors to begin installing the water supply mains linking the potable water tanks and Frederick Street water treatment plant.

Diversions were made available along Thomas Road and Brooklyn Road.

Further work on wastewater mains has continued on Dalefield Road between Lincoln Road and State Highway 2. This stretch of road has remained open but subject to lane closures. All work is weather dependent.


Weighbridge Construction at the Transfer Station

We have now finished installing a weighbridge on the outgoing exit road at the Transfer Station thanks to funding from the Ministry of the Environment under their Weighbridges Infrastructure Project. We expect the weighbridge to be fully functional by the end of year after the following has taken place: computer programming, integration with our Council/contractor accounts, testing, and staff training. Once fully operational, it will function as an additional ‘weigh out’ bridge to speed up entry/exit and to provide an accurate way of measuring all truck / trailer loads in the future.

We’re really pleased we were able to finish construction earlier than projected. Thank you to all Transfer Station users during the month of September for your patience and understanding while construction was underway.

Update on dog pound facility

We have drafted a revised proposal for South Wairarapa District Council and Masterton District Council CEO’s and elected members to consider. This proposal seeks to move beyond a joint facility model – this means instead of trying to have one pound across the three councils, our Council will have an agreement to use the other councils’ facilities on a ‘per night’ basis. It is anticipated CDC will not have ownership in either facility; will not determine the level of service; nor contribute towards the capital build costs.

Our current pound is old. It is used, but not on a daily basis; has a small outdoor exercise area; is without power; is poorly fenced; and needs significant work to bring it up to current MPI guidelines. It will need investment to become a more MPI compliant ‘day pound’. This will cost up to $75,000 in capital expenditure and will be taken from the existing dog pound capital budget.

Our Council agreed to the following at our Ordinary Council Meeting on 14 September:

  • Notes construction on the Carterton dog pound has been paused.
  • Agrees the proposed Dog Impound Service Agreement is progressed with South Wairarapa District Council and Masterton District Councils.
  • Approves $75,000 investment in the existing Carterton Dog Pound.
  • Notes the Dog Impound Service Agreement will save approximately $400,000 in capital costs once fully implemented.
  • Notes the Dog Impound Service Agreement will increase annual operating costs by between $15,000 – $30,000 once fully implemented.
  • Notes in the event a Dog Impound Service Agreement cannot be agreed with one or both councils, construction of a dog pound in Carterton will resume at a cost of $519,000.

Weighbridge Construction at the Transfer Station

We have now finished installing a weighbridge on the outgoing exit road at the Transfer Station thanks to funding from the Ministry of the Environment under their Weighbridges Infrastructure Project. We expect the weighbridge to be fully functional by the end of year after the following has taken place: computer programming, integration with our Council/contractor accounts, testing, and staff training. Once fully operational, it will function as an additional ‘weigh out’ bridge to speed up entry/exit and to provide an accurate way of measuring all truck / trailer loads in the future.

We’re really pleased we were able to finish construction earlier than projected. Thank you to all Transfer Station users during the month of September for your patience and understanding while construction was underway.

Wairarapa Combined District Plan

The Wairarapa Combined District Plan is now over ten years old and is due for review.

District Plans must be reviewed and updated every 10 years. The review of the District Plan is an opportunity to influence how land use and subdivision is managed in the districts.

The Draft District Plan will be released for public consultation at the end of October 2022 following the local government elections. This will be an informal feedback process and is an extra chance for the community to provide feedback ahead of the formal notification in 2023.

Formal notification and engagement on the Proposed District Plan will take place in mid-2023.

Further information on Draft District Plan engagement opportunities will be published on the website

August/September 2022

Ruamahanga Roading Update

Over the last few months, the team has been working on developing the forward work programme for various asset renewals including resurfacing, rehabilitation, and footpaths. The sites will now be verified and priced to ensure delivery in line with the approved budgets. Following the acceptance of estimates, the work will be programmed.

The forwards works programme is as follows:

  • Beach Road
  • Cornwall Road
  • Dixon Street
  • Flat Point Road
  • Garrison Street
  • Kent Street
  • Longbush Road
  • Ponatahi Road
  • Waihakeke Road
  • Ballinger Place

The footpath forward works programme is set for Faraday, Davy and Wheatstone Streets, improving access to the railway station and linking Carter Court. We are also working on Richmond Road in front of the funeral home.

Wastewater Reticulation Inflow & Infiltration (INI)

In July, we received roughly 5 times our daily wastewater intake at the wastewater treatment plant due to INI. The plant can manage normal intake but gets overwhelmed when we experience a significant spike. INI can be caused by things such as damage to infrastructure and connection of stormwater to the wastewater reticulation system. Infrastructure damage can be caused by earthquakes, tremors, mechanical damage, and age. Although we don’t allow stormwater connections to wastewater, we are confident some exist on the network. Our team is currently working on identifying the INI sources via night flow monitoring, smoke testing, CCTV, manhole inspections and pump station monitoring. Once these faults are identified, we will estimate cost, evaluate budgets and programme repairs.


Wastewater Treatment Ponds Upgrade

As anticipated and programmed, progress has been slow during June and July. We are still on track to deliver on the key milestones and practical completion in June 2023.


Potable Water Supply Improvement and Resilience Project

The project is made up by four independent phases:

  • Phase 1 Frederick Street treatment plant upgrade
  • Phase 2 Water storage tanks
  • Phase 3 Water main
  • Phase 4 Pump station

Covid-19 and adverse weather conditions over the past two months has had a significant effect on the delivery of this project. Our team of officers, consultants and contractors are working hard to deliver the 4 phases of this project before the end of the year.

Phase 1 – Frederic Street Treatment Plant Upgrade
Upgrading the bore pump capacity at the treatment plant has increased the volume of ground water we are able to take. We are required to treat ground water through UV treatment. We are therefore limited to the capacity of the UV treatment system. We are in the process of upgrading the UV treatment capacity to be able to supply more of what we can take. Once completed, we will have the ability to supply up to 75 litres per second and have resilience in terms of the old UV treatment.

Phase 2 – Dalefield Storage Tanks
The concrete for the reinforced foundations has now been poured which is a major milestone for this project. Once the concrete has cured, we will start assembling the tanks. Assembly is programmed to start in September with completion of the phase end of November 2022.

Phase 3 – Water Main
The water main welding trail was completed at the beginning of August, and we should see the start of the physical works soon.

Phase 4 – Freshwater Pump Station and Commissioning
Phase 4 will make all these improvements functional. The pump station will be situated at the Dalefield storage tanks and will circulate water between the treatment plant and the storage tanks. We are in the final stages of the pump station design, after which we will go to the market for tender.

Weighbridge Construction at the Transfer Station

We currently have a detour in place due to the construction of a new weighbridge at the Dalefield Road Transfer Station. We have been approved funding from the Ministry of the Environment under their Weighbridges Infrastructure Project. This will enable us to install a weighbridge on the outgoing exit road, as an additional ‘weigh out’ bridge to speed up entry/exit and to provide an accurate way of measuring all truck / trailer loads in the future.

Start date: 29 August 2022

Work hours: 7am – 6pm

Completion date: October 2022

During the construction period, there will be ongoing work on the exit road. Exiting traffic flows will be redirected to the left before the entry kiosk. Normal access to the transfer station is not disrupted. Work will be weather dependent.

Three Waters Council Transition Support Package

On the 19 July 2022, the Government announced a $44 million support package for councils to support activities relating to the three waters reform. This transition funding is in addition to the wider Government backing for the Three Waters Reform package, which includes $2 billion Better Off funding for Councils to deliver community wellbeing initiatives (of which CDC is allocated $6.8m), and $500 million for No Worse Off funding – yet to be allocated to Councils.

This additional support funding is designed to cover the extra costs Council will incur due to the mandatory requirement to participate in the reforms.

Each council, regardless of their size, will receive a minimum of $350,000 over 12 months. Further funding may be allocated based on the ‘Better Off’ funding method for larger Councils, however we do not expect CDC will be eligible for further “Services” funding beyond this initial allocation.

Details of further funding for the period beyond 30 June 2023 are expected closer to that time.

All councils will receive funding in four equal quarterly payments, in advance over 12 months. The first instalment will be paid to councils once the funding agreement is signed and provided to the Department with an accompanying payment request.

Subsequent payments will be made upon submission of quarterly payment requests with an accompanying high-level description of activities undertaken and spend incurred in the previous quarter.

The funding agreement specifies that expenditure must be related to Three Waters transition activity. This includes responding to requests from the National Transition Unit and the supply of information and resource to support councils’ preparation for the transition.

Under the agreement, any funding not expended on eligible transition related activity by the transition date (30 June 2024) will be repayable by Council to the Department.

July/August 2022

July weather event and surface flooding at the wastewater treatment plant

In July, we had another extreme weather event which resulted in a lot of surface flooding around the district, including at our wastewater treatment plant. This meant we had to ask residents to limit their water use to avoid overloading the system and causing wastewater backflow into people’s homes. The significant increase to our wastewater intake during times of heavy rain indicates that we have faults in our wastewater reticulation system which results in stormwater infiltrating the system. 

Why haven’t the new wastewater ponds solved the issue?

In July, we began filling Reservoir one, the first of three new reservoirs at the Daleton Farm site, however, this is not yet ready for operation. The project team is using a staged approach when filling the reservoirs to ensure safety of the team working on site, and to protect the surrounding environment. Filling is weather dependent, with cold mornings required to ensure the liner does not expand or crease during this crucial initial fill. Maintaining groundwater levels below the rising level of the reservoir is also important, to ensure the liner settles onto the base and slope of the structure while allowing air pockets to vent naturally.

What steps has the council taken since February to try to prevent this happening again?

Since the February flood, we have bought flow monitors which are programmed for installation in next couple of months. They will show us which catchments in the reticulation have the larger inflows. Work is continuing on the wastewater pipework capital expenditure renewals and we are prioritising these areas in this financial year [2022/23]. We have also done some camera investigations within the wastewater network to identify the faults. Over the coming weeks we will be making use of CCTV and smoke testing across the network to identify these faults. Smoke testing involves injecting a dense, non-toxic and odourless smoke into the wastewater network, and then watching to see where the smoke escapes.

We are also developing a longer term wastewater management plan which we expect to be included in the 10 August Policy and Projects Committee Meeting Agenda.

Parks and Reserves update

  • Most of the street beds have now been replanted with the spring display.
  • The hanging baskets have been planted and will be put back up in the next few weeks.
  • Two Gleditsia tricanthos trees were planted at Millennium Park to replace the Albizzias that were removed.
  • The weed spraying programme is underway and ongoing.
  • The Carrington Park toilets have had the floors resealed.
  • New shrubs have been planted around the junior bike safety track.
  • The toilet installation at Sparks Park is a work in progress due to current weather conditions.
June/July 2022

Independent review on the wastewater ponds upgrade and the clocktower remediation project

A report was put to Council at its Ordinary Council meeting on 29 June 2022 with recommendations on how to implement the advice contained in the independent review on the Wastewater Ponds Upgrade Project and the Clocktower Project. This review was undertaken by Calibre Consulting Ltd and was tabled at the Audit and Risk Committee meeting on 19 May 2022. The Calibre review identified 8 lessons with associated recommendations.

In response to the findings, Officers will develop a Project Management Guideline to guide staff and contractors through the various stages of a project. The guidelines will have a summarised flowchart with various actions and decision points that will require staff to identify, address and manage specific risks.

These recommendations were around the following 4 keys points:

  • Project Scope
  • Risk Assessment
  • Flowchart
  • Project management

These recommendations were adopted at the 29 June Ordinary Council meeting and the guidelines will be developed this calendar year. The Council will be reviewing current projects to fall in line with what will be developed.

CDC is taking steps to meet recommendations from an independent review of recent projects.

We are developing new Project Management Guidelines for staff and contractors. Council’s Procurement Policy will also be reviewed for alignment and consistency. The guidelines will not only address the findings but improve our overall delivery of projects. We are confident these will be in place by the end of 2022.

Animal Facility

In March, the Council started work at the Dalefield Road site for a new animal facility. The existing facility is no longer fit for purpose and does not meet the current legislative requirements.

Council received a report at its June 29 Ordinary Council meeting outlining that a further $229,000 would be needed to complete the project. This would take the total to $599,000.

At this stage, construction hasn’t begun, only groundworks and draft architectural plans.

Council resolved to defer the project and instructed the CEO to engage with Masterton and South Wairarapa District Councils’ CEOs to develop a business case for a single joint Wairarapa Animal Control Facility. The CEO would present this to Council by 31 August.

If the business case has not sufficiently progressed by 31 August, Council would consider changing the design of the Animal Shelter to fit within an existing cookie-cutter style design. The total cost of this option would be $549,000 [including contingency of 20% or $94,000 an increase of $179,000].


Annual Plan and rates resolution

By now you may have received your latest rates installment – the first for the 2022/23 financial year.
Each year the Council reviews how much revenue it needs to deliver services, and recalculates what it needs to charge for rates. This new recalculation comes into effect on the 1 July every year and is based on the Council’s plan for the year ahead.

The 2022-23 Draft Annual plan, published in March, recommended a 6% rise in average rates. We have not added any additional projects from the 2021/31 Long Term Plan which we consulted on last year.
However, we did invite residents to provide feedback before the plan was finalised. Having considered all feedback and making changes to the Plan, the average rates rise is now 5.75% which is reflected in this current rates installment.

We have worked to ensure that we can keep rates increases to a minimum, despite significant pressure from inflation, while still delivering all our core services in the community and remaining financially prudent.

GWRC Rates: While it is included in your rates bill, CDC does not set the portion of rates for Greater Wellington Regional Council [GWRC] charges. GWRC has set their overall average rate increase for 2022-23 of 12.27%.  With targeted rates for Carterton, this raises the average in this District to 15%.  Visit: online for more information.

What’s in the Annual Plan?

  • Installation of the new pool slide
  • Year 2 of the 3 year roading programme
  • Wastewater and water renewals
  • Town centre carpark and depot relocation
  • IT projects
  • District Plan Review
  • Wastewater Treatment Ponds Upgrade
May/June 2022

Wastewater Update

Last month, we had water flowing into Reservoir One of the new reservoir ponds, marking a significant milestone in the project. Filling the reservoir begun after remediation took place to repair the liner damaged by Central Hawkes Bay Earthmovers. The capacity of Reservoir One is around 60,000 cubic meters, or roughly the same size as the existing three storage ponds.

Planning the repairs for Reservoirs 2 and 3 is underway, with the weather and cooler temperatures potentially adding risks to the repair timetable. The work will fall within the previously announced budget of up to $1.944 million which was approved last December by Council.

Ruamāhanga roading Update

Footpath Renewals Footpath renewals planned for the rest of the financial year include:

· Wakelin Street
· Mckenzie Terrace
· Moreton Road

To stay up to date visit


Enaki Stream Realignment

Over time, the Enaki stream realigned itself through flood debris build-up. The new alignment posed a future risk to Belvedere Road and potentially the bridge. Through collaboration with Greater Wellington Regional Council and landowners, we have realigned Enaki Stream back to its 1999 alignment.

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Urban Water Storage

The improvement of the potable water supply and resilience has been divided into 4 phases:

Phase 1 – Frederick Street treatment plant upgrade

Phase 2 – 2 x 2000kL Potable Water Storage Tanks

Phase 3 – Water main between phase 1 and 2 via Lincoln Road.

Phase 4 – Pump station at Water Tanks.

The bolted steel tank sections have been delivered and are being stored under cover at a local storage facility ready for assembly in August. Construction on the reinforced concrete foundations has started.

IMG 9808

April/May 2022

Wastewater Update

The Council Operations Team now has a boat for working on the wastewater treatment ponds. This will enable the operators and our mechanic safe access to maintain the aerators and cables. The boat has been designed to be stable on the water, with special platforms to allow safe points to lean or stand on (with grab bars) when reaching to maintain plant and equipment.

This boat has been on the cards for some time as a suitable boat could not be found. We were fortunate to find a local fabricator to make one to our specifications.

Animal Facility

In March, the Council started work at the Dalefield Road site for a new animal facility. The existing facility is no longer fit for purpose and does not meet the current legislative requirements.

There is an extensive history of attempting to provide a shared Wairarapa service, however, a consensus has not been reached due to differing operational requirements and budgetary expectations. Council has now progressed a potential building design for its site at Dalefield Road. Work has begun onsite, with the topsoil being stripped and a hard standing laid down to allow a suitable working space during winter months. Services have been installed, such as water, sewerage, electricity, and security.

The building design has been complete for some time, with project managers working on structural clarifications. The Council is now awaiting sign-off from a structural engineer on the final design before applying for the appropriate consents.

Ruamāhanga roading Update

A review of the intersection of Moreton and Rutland Roads was undertaken after receiving reports of serious accidents in this area.

After considering the feedback, the Council decided to upgrade this intersection from a ‘Give Way’ to a ‘Stop’. This means vehicles will now need to come to a complete stop before proceeding through the intersection, hopefully reducing the number of incidents.

We have upcoming planned works as follows:
Drainage renewals: Belvedere Road

  • Location: 200A to 210 Belvedere Road
  • Work: Drainage Renewal
  • Estimated date: May 2022
  • Duration: +- 4 weeks

Footpath renewals: McKenzie Terrace

  • Location: McKenzie Terrace form Pembroke Street to Broadway (Western side)
  • Work: Footpath renewals:
  • Estimated date: May 2022
  • Duration: +- 4 weeks

To stay up to date visit

Wairarapa Combined District Plan

The review of the Wairarapa Combined District Plan is in process along with the consideration of the Government’s intention to review the RMA.

At the Joint Committee’s Workshop on 31 March, a discussion paper on Setbacks From Waterways was considered.

The following draft chapters were also presented to the Committee for consideration:

  • Transport
  • Energy
  • Network Utilities
  • Low and Medium Density

Residential Zone

  • Settlement Zone
  • Future Urban Zone

The Committee will convene its next workshop in mid May 2022 to consider the following matters:

  • Natural hazards
  • Historic heritage
  • Notable trees
  • Light
  • Noise

To stay up to date visit

February/March 2022

Council and Committee Meetings

Due to COVID, we have temporarily moved all our Council and Committee meetings to an online format, meaning we won’t be meeting in person. We will make a recording of the meeting publicly available via our YouTube channel within 48 hours of the meeting taking place. You can still speak at the public forum of each meeting, either via video call, phone call or submitting a written statement.

Call us on 06 379 4030 or email at least 24 hours prior to a meeting if you wish to participate. The full meeting calendar for 2022 and meeting agendas (which are available 3 working days prior to a meeting) can be found online

Urban Water Storage

The foundation design work for the new storage tanks has been completed.

The tanks will be built on site from steel plates which are now in the country and are due in our yard this month.

The pipework between Dalefield Road and the Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant has been awarded and construction for the pipework will be completed this financial year.

Ruamāhanga roading Update

Last month’s flooding event saw many of our urban and rural roads affected by surface flooding and slips. Our contractors Fulton Hogan did a fantastic job assisting us with the response by closing roads and reacting quickly to service requests logged by residents. They also spent several days following the floods cleaning up the roads.

Some other important work we have done includes:

The road widening of Hughes Line. This project is progressing well and we are planning to complete the widening this month.
We are in the process of doing a condition assessment of our footpaths, which will inform our work programme for the upcoming financial year
We completed a drop out repair on Clifton Grove in January.

Wairarapa Combined District Plan

The review of the Wairarapa Combined District Plan is in process along with the consideration of the Government’s intention to review the RMA. The Wairarapa Combined District Plan Joint Committee is reviewing work on several topics which need evaluating irrespective of the Government’s approach. Common issues include urban growth, rural subdivision, protection of elite soils, heritage and engineering standards. There is a need to address the important matters but not over commit due to proposed legislative change planned to the RMA.

We have now compiled a first draft of the new chapters for review, weighing up the pros and cons of the proposed changes. Once the review is complete, the three Wairarapa councils will put together a revised draft to consult with the community on.

We have also launched a joint webpage where you can find everything you need to know and find out how to get involved.

Library Update

We’ve noticed our customers like to come in earlier on Saturdays, so we have amended our opening hours to match.

Our Saturday opening hours are now 9.30am – 1pm

For those of you unable to come to the library, make sure you check out our popular Click and Collect service with 2 great options for book selection- you choose your books or we choose!

Talk to one of the team or visit

January/February 2022

Wastewater Ponds Update

In December, discharge was transferred from the outfall to the pivot irrigator. The irrigator has been in operation 7 days a week, with the last few nozzles turned off (due to ongoing works at the head of the new storage reservoirs) and the new power box which has been installed on the new reservoir bunding.

Urban Water Storage

Our town water demand this summer is extremely high. The daily peak flows have been averaging 3200m3. This is 700m3 a day over the optimal 2500m3. Producing 2500m3 a day allows the plants to retain chlorination contact time and allows reserves for emergencies. To keep up with demand, the plant operators had to run both plants, alternating between one supplying the township, while the other had a chance to recover and replenish the storage tanks.

The new storage tanks (which were delayed due to COVID) will hold an additional 4 million litres and are scheduled to arrive this month.

Ruamāhanga roading Update

Our current expenditure reports can be found in the February agenda for the Infrastructure and Services committee. These reports are set against the Waka Kotahi budget allocations and are for the period of works completed between 01/07/2021 to 31/12/2021. For the full breakdown of expenditure, see the Infrastructure & Services Committee Agenda at

We are now getting into better weather conditions which will help with completing the remainder of the work. The focus is on completing the final pre-seal repairs ahead of the 2021/2022 sealing programme, and on maintaining a safe network for road users. Programming for works over the summer months is underway which will include the pre-seal repairs for the 2022/2023 sealing season.

Parks and Reserves

Our street reserves and flower beds are looking fantastic, thanks to our parks and reserves team. Maintaining them, along with weed spraying with our steamer, will be high priority in February. The team has also been busy installing new doggy doo bins in town and removing graffiti. The junior flying fox in Carrington Park has been temporarily out of action while we await the arrival of some spare parts – we hope to see it back in action soon.

Five Towns Trail Network Project

The first newsletter will be sent out in the first quarter 2022 to contacts who have registered through the website.

Abseil Access is beginning construction of the Tauherenikau cycle/walk bridge. The Greytown Trails Trust is working on the signage requirements for this section. They have also installed 1 of 2 Eco-visio counters on the existing Greytown Rail Trail and data is now being recorded. Capturing the use of trails will demonstrate the need for more safe, accessible off-road trails around the region. The data will be linked to the reporting undertaken by the Wellington Regional Trails Coordination Committee and captures other key trails in the Region.

For more information and updates, visit

November/December 2021

Wastewater Ponds Update

Two trial aerators were installed in Pond 1 and Pond 2 in early October to assist with ongoing management of the wastewater ponds and to reduce odour. These aerators create a large oxidation dispersal field and as such, the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels have increased significantly especially in Pond 1. The combination of sunlight from sunny days and increased oxidation in pond 1 has brought the pond back into a healthy state.

Mains Renewals

The contractor undertaking the wastewater mains renewal on Dalefield Road has started work. The renewal of the Rhodes Street water mains from High Street North to Wyndham Street is complete. This renewal replaces another 1% of the existing Asbestos-Cement material pipe in our network.

The new water mains design to connect the new reservoirs on Dalefield Road into the Frederick Street Treatment Plant has been placed on Tender Link and we’ve received a positive response from a number of parties interested in the tender.

A section of misaligned wastewater main in Victoria Street identified during routine CCTV assessments late last year was replaced. This resulted in the main holding approximately 3m3 of waste metal and restricting wastewater flows. The section of pipe proved a complex process to repair due to its depth and it being a live service. However, the job was completed with minimal disruption.

Renewal of the water and wastewater mains in Memorial Square is in the preparation it can be done with minimal interference to the adjoining businesses and those who use the Memorial Square. We will provide more information on this once a start date has been set.

Swimming Pool Maintenance

A new shade cover has replaced the old ripped one over the toddler’s pool. The earthquake strengthening of the outdoor changing room block is now complete. The pools have been brought up to operational standards for the upcoming summer swim season. This season will provide some challenges for the pool contractor as they will be managing the complex under the proposed COVID-19 traffic light protocols and guidelines.

For more information, visit

Clocktower Remediation and Landscaping

The clock tower reserve landscape development is almost complete, with the installation of the lighting fixtures completed late November. The old tree stump between the clock tower and the road has been removed. The footpath will be renovated with new tiles, pavers and asphalt.

Five Towns Trail Network Project

The Five Towns Trail Network Master Plan was launched on 14 October. A website and email inbox has been created. A register of enquiries and interested contacts who would like project updates has been created by and will be maintained by the Regional Trails Coordinator.

The Master Plan has now been received by each of the 3 district councils with support from all. A Memorandum of Understanding between the Wairarapa councils and Wairarapa Trails Action Group is being developed. Its purpose is to facilitate, research and create a suitable legal entity with appropriate, representative governance to deliver the master plan.

For more information and updates, visit



October/November 2021

Wastewater Improvements

Construction activity around the wastewater treatment plant and along Dalefield Road will ramp up commencing this month with the arrival of Downer, the successful bidder for the Dalefield Road wastewater Renewal.

This is where the current wastewater pipeline between SH2 and Lincoln Road will be renewed, and is anticipated to take the duration of summer 2021/22.

Over the next 6 months, we will also see increased activity around the Dalefield Road wastewater wetlands pumping system upgrade that will redirect treated wastewater to the new reservoirs off Gallon Road, this work will be carried out by Ordish and Stevens who have already installed the pipelines to the new reservoirs.

Urban Water Supply

This summer we will see the commencement of the potable water storage tanks where the successful bidder REL will start by building two steel-reinforced concrete foundations followed by the installation of two new 2,000,000 litre steel water storage tanks. This was originally scheduled for November but there have been delays in the delivery of the tanks due to the COVID lockdown and the availability of steel.

Also coming up will be 900m of a new water supply pipeline between the water tanks, along Lincoln Road to the Frederick Street water treatment plant.

Website upgrade

This year we started upgrading our Council website.

We’re fortunate to be able to do this work inhouse, meaning we can provide a much better level of online service at no extra cost to ratepayers.

Here are some features we have already improved:

  • Reviewed hundreds of historic news posts and removed any no longer relevant, preventing incorrect and outdated search results.
  • Improved the search function and added a ‘search pages’ bar
  • Overhauled the home page with a simple layout and quick link buttons to most used pages, such as meeting agendas and transfer station.
  • Improved the layout of the building services section.

We will continue to give progress updates until completion in June 2022.

September/October 2021

Wastewater Treatment Pond Upgrade

The third and central pond still requires a small section to be covered in.

Sections of the work for stage 3 progressed immediately after lockdown, though progress has been slow over the previous 2 weeks due to wet weather. Despite this, we are still within the timeframe of our consents to have the reservoirs operating.

The remaining work to be completed on the reservoirs includes lining to pond 2, completion of the anchor trenches, minor embankment fill (over anchor trenches), three concrete spillways, valve chambers lids and covers, subsoil testing, topsoil (Embankment crests), turf reinforcement matting, grassing, site clean up and remaining remediation work.

It is anticipated that this work could be completed by the end of January 2022.

Three Waters Reform

Our response to the proposed reform is now available. Our feedback was sent to the Department of Internal Affairs [DIA] on 1st October. Please note, Councils have not yet been asked to make a decision. At this stage we still believe Councils will be able to choose whether they can be part of the new entities proposed in the reforms, but this hasn’t been confirmed.

To view the full letter to DIA outlining our feedback and the letter we sent to ratepayers, visit

Library Improvements

We’re improving how you can find and use all our library collections. Your Wairarapa Library Service card already gives you access to all the collections at Featherston, Greytown, Martinborough and Carterton. From the 12th of October, we’re joining other SMART libraries around the region. Your library card will open the doors to half a million items and 26 libraries.

Check out the new Wairarapa Library Service website here

Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant upgrade

September/October 2021

The switchover from the old mains switchboard to the new mains switchboard and generator was completed in September. Since changing over to automatically running the plant (Bore 5) on the generator, we have lost mains power twice, but the the generator successfully switched into operation.

Powering the booster pumps with new variable speed drives (VSD’S) is next to be completed, currently scheduled for the end of this month.

The 2nd UV unit has been ordered, but the lead in time for shipping is currently unknown as it is coming from the UK.

August/September 2021

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Due to the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 lockdown, there are no new updates at this stage, however, work onsite has recommenced during Alert Level 2.

Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant upgrade

We have ordered an additional UV system and a port-a-com to house this in.

We have re-drilled an existing bore that had been capped off to explore if we could gain some additional water. The bore now provides a low level amount of water but does require extensive flushing prior to use.

New water sources for Carterton are crucial for our growing district. Work on future supplies has been brought forward, and analysis will start soon.

A quality options analysis will establish the available, and optimum source of potable water. We had funds set aside in the Ten Year Plan for next financial year to undertake an options analysis for an additional water source. After the Policy and Strategy committee had asked for the Eastern Growth area to have a greater density of housing they recommended to move the study to the current financial year. This recommendation was moved at the August Ordinary Council meeting.

Climate Change updates

Conservation week

Local organisations are urging the Wairarapa to take a moment to think about our climate this Conservation Week, 4-12 September. There’s a range of activities happening across the region – fish and insect monitoring, planting and weeding, expert presentations, art exhibitions, film screenings and more – there’s something for everyone. Plus, entry is either free or a koha! Climate Change Advisor, Mélanie Barthe, says some amazing guest speakers are lined up to speak at evening evetns being held in Carterton and Martinborough on the 3rd and 11th of September respectively.

For a programme of all the events on in your region this Conservation Week, click here


Town Centre Redevelopment

Mayor Greg Lang and Councillor Robyn Cherry-Campbell have been working hard with developers, businesses and building owners over the last 12 months to progress the redevelopment in the town centre. We’re excited to see Finom reopening at their new premises. The building next to 3Mile is having earthquake strengthening work done so the second hand shop can return to trading there. More townhouses are being built and some encouraging conversations are happening with businesses from other towns interested in relocating to our District.

We are also really pleased to see the town get behind Cafe Olé while they prepare to relocate to the Tryst building next to Double Dollar Plus. Olé will have to close for a few months while the building is being made fit for purpose but we are looking forward to their return as they are a unique part of our business community with a strong customer base.


Clock tower remediation & landscaping

The chimes are going again and there has been fantastic progress with the landscaping around the clocktower. Check out our video to get some insight into the inner workings of the clock mechanism and the chimes.

Three Waters Reform

Despite the Alert Level lockdown in August, the 3 Wairarapa Councils are still working through another period of analysis on our Districts’ drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater services. Councils are providing further analysis to Central Government by September 30.

We still do not know the exact costs for each Council. What we do know is no matter which model is chosen, household costs for water are likely to go up due to the following changes taking place:

  • Taumata Arawai Drinking water standards
  • The Water Services Bill currently going through Parliament
  • The proposed natural resources plan from GWRC
  • The national policy statement on freshwater management.

Whether councils join an entity or go it alone, the cost of meeting these new standards will rise.

What happens next?

At this stage, we believe Councils can opt out of being part of the new entities but this hasn’t been confirmed. The 1st October date is not a deadline for making a decision. Councils are using this time to gather as much information from Central Government to better understand the long-term impacts these reforms will have on our communities.

We don’t know what DIA will be asking of Councils at the end of this timeframe, but we will be able to give our feedback and have a better understanding of when the Government will start its community consultation.


July/August 2021

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Ponds 1 and 3 have had the lining completed with a small section of pond 2 left to finish. Ponds 1 and 3 have had their spillways finished and landscaping and topsoiling around the perimeter of the dam wall has been completed. Work on the valve chamber headworks has been undertaken and pipework connecting the treatment plant with the inlets to the ponds is happening with the stainless steel pipe fabrication being made off-site for the inlets. The outlet tee-bars for two of the ponds have also been installed at the southern end of the pond.

Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant upgrade

We are currently in the planning phase of when we can plan a shutdown of the Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant and a swap over to the Kaipaitangata treatment plant to undertake a few days of work.

The council has teamed up with WaterOutlook as part of the improvements it is making to its monitoring of the urban water supply. WaterOutlook is a specialised software platform owned and operated in New Zealand and used for gathering and analysing water quality data. Council staff will use WaterOutlook to keep across the vast amounts of data involved in running the district’s 3 Waters systems. Having that data at our fingertips will save us significant amounts of time and help improve water quality and compliance outcomes going forward.

Climate Change updates

This month the three Wairarapa councils launched a Healthy Home kit thanks to Climate Change Advisors Mélanie Barthe and Natasha Tomic. This self-assessment toolkit will enable you to assess your home for warmth and damp, and understand how it’s performing. You will find useful tips and advice to improve the comfort of your home, and the health of occupants. You can borrow the kit for FREE from the Carterton, Greytown and Masterton Libraries (available at Martinborough and Featherston upon request).

To read the full statement click here

To view the self-user guide and record sheets visit

Conservation week

Local organisations are urging the Wairarapa to take a moment to think about our climate this Conservation Week, 4-12 September. There’s a range of activities happening across the region – fish and insect monitoring, planting and weeding, expert presentations, art exhibitions, film screenings and more – there’s something for everyone. Plus, entry is either free or a koha! Climate Change Advisor, Mélanie Barthe, says some amazing guest speakers are lined up to speak at evening evetns being held in Carterton and Martinborough on the 3rd and 11th of September respectively.

For a programme of all the events on in your region this Conservation Week, click here

Town Centre Redevelopment

Exciting developments are continuing, including Finom’s announcement that it will be relocating to the old Salvation Army building on High Street, which has been restored and renovated. This is just one of many buildings which will be refurbished for a business to relocate to, with plans in place for the earthquake prone building the businesses relocate from. We will continue to update you as soon as the information is able to be made public.


Clock tower remediation & landscaping

The landscaping is coming along well with progress being made on the concrete seating around the base of the clocktower. In early July, the chimes stopped sounding after one of the motors burnt out. This was sent away to experts in Lower Hutt to repair. They rewired it, tested it and ran it before assessing the condition of the gearing and returning it to us. We are now in the process of refitting it to the mechanism to get the chimes going again soon.


Three Waters Reform

July/August 2021

Central Government has released the cabinet papers for the next steps of the three waters review detailing the number of proposed entities and the boundaries they will cover. In addition, the Government announced a $2.5 billion package to support local government transition through the reforms to New Zealand’s drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services.  $2 billion has been set aside for councils to invest in the future for local government, urban development, and the wellbeing of their communities.  $500 million of the 2.5bn seeks to address the costs and financial impacts that councils would incur such as the transfer of water assets, liabilities, revenue and staff to a new water services entity. The funding also ensures councils will be able to continue to sustainably perform their non-water related roles and functions.

What happens next?
Council staff and elected members will spend the next 8 weeks collating further information from Central Government and reviewing it to determine how this will affect both the council and our District as a whole. We are still unsure as to what DIA will be asking of Local Councils at the end of the 8 weeks, however, we should have a better idea of when central government intends to commence community consultation.  At this stage, the Council has made no indication whether it is leaning towards opting in or out, and any media reports which state otherwise are incorrect




June/July 2021

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Viking placed the geo fabric on the remaining sections of pond 1 in the week ending 11 June 2021, they are still to complete pond 2 geo fabric then finish laying the black liner and have this tested for leak integrity. While waiting for the reservoirs to be completed, work on stage 3 has started on the upgrade of the existing wet well, located next to the UV treatment system on Dalefield Road. Late delivery of the stage 2 has pushed stage 3 into less desirable winter conditions therefore the remaining cannot now be completed until the end of next summer, but we are still within the time period of our consents to have the reservoirs operating. Once the physical works on the site are completed the upgraded plant will be commissioned.

Clock tower remediation & landscaping

The clock tower reserve landscape renovation is underway, with improved access, new seats and 3 specimen trees being the main features. The groundwork is being done by the Council using existing maintenance budgets from the Parks and Reserves budget. The team is making good progress but this work may take a few months, at which stage the Carterton Lions will help with the planting. There will be timber seating, lots of planting and trees for shading, creating a green and welcoming community space. An important feature includes lowering the ground level of the main seating space to footpath level to remove the current step up from the footpath, making the area accessible to those using wheelchairs or mobility scooters.

Three Waters Reform

DIA  has now released 4 evidence based reports in relation to the three waters reform, building the case for change.

What does this mean for our council and community?

We’re still waiting for release of the Cabinet paper which will decide how many entities it’s going to be, and we are hoping it will also provide details on the debt structure and how that may impact on council. There will be a public consultation prior to the opt-out decision expected by the end of the year, so we can consider the community’s views before making any final decisions.

Town Centre Redevelopment

On 30 June, the Council is set to adopt its Draft Ten Year Plan for 2021-2031 which included confirmation of Option B in the Consultation Document – include budget capacity of $331,000 for the purchase of land for public spaces and accessways/laneways in the town centre. Mayor Greg Lang has provided the following updates which have come from his work as part of the Mayor’s Town Centre Taskforce

  • High Street will not be flattened, and the fate of the majority of buildings is not demolition.
  • Of the two buildings which are earmarked for demolition, the businesses are relocating and there are exciting and innovative plans for what will go in their place. There will be no vacant lots on our High Street.
  • We have investors queueing up, waiting for a building to be listed for sale so they can snap it up. We have a strong vision, one which shows who we are, where we have come from and what we aspire to be, and this is resonating with investors.
  • At the moment the majority of the specifics of what’s happening remains commercially sensitive information. Exciting new ventures/businesses are looking at establishing and several existing businesses are ready to relocate to other High Street premises, and Mayor Lang is facilitating this to reduce the impact on their ability to trade. There are developers ready to action grand plans for the buildings they relocate from.

Frederick Street Water Treatment Plant upgrade

Council are mid-way through a planned upgrade of the Frederick Street treatment plant. The timing of the upgrades has been constricted due to rely on supply through the Kaipaitangata treatment plant while working on the Frederick Street plant.

Climate Change updates

Carterton District Council is taking part in the Wellington Regional Growth Framework (WRGF) through its participation in the Wellington Regional Climate Change Forum. We have an active voice in two projects of the WRGF:

  • Develop a regional emissions reduction action plan
  • Regional approach to planning for and managing climate change impact

Through those two projects, CDC plays an active role in climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation at a regional level.