Fire seasons and permits
Last updated: 03 Mar, 2025 03:57pm
You must check with Fire and Emergency New Zealand [FENZ] if you need a fire permit for any proposed fire in the open air.
Check it’s alright: Fire and Emergency New Zealand [FENZ]
FENZ is responsible for setting fire seasons and issuing fire permits for all urban and rural areas.
When assessing your fire permit, FENZ will take into consideration a range of factors including the location of your proposed fire, the weather, and other conditions that may increase the risk of the fire getting out of control.
Visit for information on fire seasons, the current season in your location, how to safely light a fire, fire types, and how to apply for a permit.
Lighting an outdoor fire
If you want to light an outdoor fire, you need to ensure that the fire does not escape or cause a danger to you or others, and does not cause a smoke nuisance.
You must not burn green waste, treated wood, plastics, chemicals, rubber, or a fuel, paint or oil product.
Smoke and pollution from outdoor fires
Smoke and pollutants from outdoor fires can cause a number of health problems, including breathing difficulties and eye irritations. Ash, smoke or odour may also cause a nuisance to your neighbours.
Outdoor fires may cause a smoke and pollution nuisance if the material being burned is not dry or is not an appropriate material for burning.
We will investigate smoke complaints from outdoor fires and consider the following before taking enforcement action.
Report smoke and pollution nuisance
Call 06 379 4030 if smoke or pollution is causing a significant issue. Tell us as much as you can about the location of the fire and where the smoke is coming from. We will then investigate the complaint, and follow up with the responsible party if required.
The Carterton District Council has rules about burning in public places and at our parks and reserves.
Fires in public places
In Carterton’s public places, the only fire you can have in the open air without council permission is a gas barbecue .
To obtain council permission for a fire (other than a barbecue) in a public place contact the council on 06 379 4030.
Fires in parks and reserves
In Carterton’s parks and reserve the only fire you can have in the open air without council permission is a gas barbecue.
Contact Council to obtain permission for a fire (other than a barbecue) in a council park or reserve.