News & Events
Last updated: 07 Nov, 2023 01:44pm
Nominations invited for Water Race Committee
Nominations are invited for community representatives to be elected on to the Carterton District Council Water Race Committee. Nominations open Wednesday 3 July 2024 and close Sunday 4 August 2024. Background The Committee comprises of 4 community representatives and...
Carterton recognises community contributions with Charles Rooking Carter Awards
Carterton District Council is proud to announce the winners of the 2024 Charles Rooking Carter Awards. The awards recognise outstanding contributions to Carterton's community, and those people and organisations who help make Carterton a welcoming and vibrant community...
QV media release:New rating valuations on the way for Carterton
Carterton property owners will soon receive new three-yearly rating valuations in the post. Updated values have been prepared for all 5,248 properties in the district by independent valuers Quotable Value (QV), reflecting the likely price a property would have sold...
Building Update: April 2024
CDC moves to Objective Build portal
Carterton District Council's building team has moved to the Objective Build Portal from Simpli. Council is making this change for a number of reasons, in particular: to give a consistent approach across the region. Objective includes additional tools and options for...
Recycling collection calendar for 2024-2025
The Wairarapa recycling collection calendar for 2024/2025, including urban Carterton, is now available to download Visit our Sustainability section for more information on rubbish and recycling in our District.
Carterton District Council gets ready to consult with residents on its Draft 2024-34 Long Term Plan
22 March 2024 Carterton District Council’s elected representatives are getting ready to talk to the Carterton community about the proposals in their Draft 2024-34 Long Term Plan (LTP), with consultation set to begin on 5 April. The theme for Carterton’s Long-Term Plan...
Council working with property owners on earthquake-prone buildings
Carterton District Council is working with our local property owners to maintain and promote adherence to the Building Act provisions concerning earthquake-prone buildings. Earthquake risk reduction is a priority in New Zealand for successive governments through the...
CDC welcomes new rail safety measures for Carterton level crossings
Carterton District Council welcomes the new rail safety measures KiwiRail and Greater Wellington Regional Council have confirmed, as part of their ongoing commitment to upgrade the Wairarapa Line Service. KiwiRail and Greater Wellington Regional Council have announced...
KiwiRail statement: Fewer level crossings to be closed in the Wairarapa following independent report
KiwiRail issued the following statement today [Monday 26 February] regarding the closure of crossings in Carterton and Wairarapa. For more information, visit: KiwiRail: Wairarapa Line upgrades [] PDF of the summary of the level...
New rules for recycling, but keep using your glass crates
From 1 February 2024, new national recycling standards will be rolling out across the country to create a more simplified approach to kerbside recycling, making it easier for residents to reduce waste and recycle right. Collecting the same items for recycling across...
Funding success for CDC secures support for innovative Flat Point Flood resilience project
Carterton District Council is excited to announce a further step towards improving coastline resilience against extreme weather and flooding, as we continue to tackle climate change impacts and boost recovery from the aftermath of Cyclones Hales and Gabrielle. CDC has...
Wairarapa joins worldwide Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Network
Wairarapa’s Mayors have welcomed their Districts’ inclusion in the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Age-Friendly Cities and Communities programme. Carterton, Masterton, and South Wairarapa Districts have joined like-minded cities and communities across the world...
New reservoirs add millions of litres of capacity to the Carterton water network
Carterton District Council [CDC] will soon welcome four million more litres of water storage, with two new reservoirs boosting our community’s resilience. CDC’s water team and partners completed final testing on the pair of 2 million litre water tanks, ahead of their...
Council takes another step towards fulfilling its environmental strategy with purchase of 85-hectare farm
Carterton District Council has an unconditional agreement to purchase an 85-hectare parcel of land adjacent to its new wastewater reservoirs at Daleton Farm that could see the expansion of its strategy to remove the discharge of treated wastewater into waterways. In...
Building Update: November/December 2023
Welcome to another newsletter from the Carterton District Council regulatory team. We would love to hear your feedback, if you find this useful or what other topics you may find useful. You can email with your comments and feedback. In This...