Residents have had their say on Carterton District Council services and facilities. And CDC is listening and acting on the feedback.

The results of the 2022 Residents Survey are now available online. Almost 500 members of our community let us know what’s working well for them, and where we can make improvements.


We asked community members for their opinions during March and April this year. We contacted a random sample of 2400 residents to complete the survey.

The sample was drawn from all adults between the ages of 18 years and 85 years on the Electoral Roll. The Roll is the most comprehensive database of residents living within the Carterton District.

Our market research partner Muirton used the same method as in 2020 and 2021. This ensured continuity.

The questionnaire was wide-ranging and asked for peoples’ opinions on our services and facilities.

When the survey closed on 28 April, 484 people had responded [21.7% of those contacted].


The Results

Results showed that satisfaction with facilities and amenities remains high. This includes our Events Centre, parks, and the outdoor swimming pool.

Satisfaction with public facilities remains high (73%), and satisfaction with individual facilities such as the Events Centre and our parks remained high, and on par with previous results.

An overwhelming majority of respondents, 84 per cent, were satisfied or very satisfied with the facilities.

Residents also praised our District Library and its services. More than 90% of responders were positive about their visits.

Satisfaction with the district’s ‘Roads, cycleways and footpaths’ has improved to 47%, up from 40%, and for ‘Water supply’ (65% up from 49%).


Opportunities for Improvements

Results for ‘Sewerage system’ and for ‘Stormwater system’ have declined.

Satisfaction with the district’s sewerage is down to 59% [from 75%] and down to 44% for stormwater, 53%.

Stormwater and flooding made up about 18% of residents’ interactions with Council.

Most contact with Council related to building permits and inspections (36%). Other topics many people discussed were roading (15%), and dog and animal control (14%).

The survey showed that 51% of those were satisfied with their contact, but 38% were dissatisfied.

The feedback also showed the community gave increasing importance to urban planning.

Its importance score increased from 54% to 63%. Yet, our performance satisfied only 41% of respondents.

The responses also showed a need to reflect our community’s growing use of digital channels.

The use of Facebook has increased from 22% in 2017 to 40%. Use of our website, has increased from 34% to 44% over the same period.


Next Steps: What We’re Going To Do

Geoff Hamilton, Chief Executive of Carterton District Council, thanked all respondents.

He said the responses made clear that the community had been struck by the wider cost of living concerns and the impact of COVID-19, and the public health response.

“We appreciate people taking the time to provide honest feedback about our services. Constructive comment is essential for improvement. It gives us further opportunity to consider key topics of Council business.

“We can take action and we will take on board the comments received, both “positive” or “negative. It is all valuable and offers evidence of what’s working and potential improvements. It opens opportunities for positive change.

The initiatives already underway would also address some of this year’s feedback, Mr. Hamilton said.

“We are improving our service request process to ensure timely responses, and that we follow up with an outcome from customer queries or suggestions.

“We have been working to expand our reach, using electronic newsletters and communications, especially with those who already engage with Council electronically. Delivering our major projects on time, on spec, and on budget will go a long way to building trust and confidence with our community.

“Progressing through our key projects will show our commitment to resolving long-term issues. We will work hard to improve the perception of Council and strengthen our reputation by accomplishing our goals.

“We do punch above our weight at CDC. We tackle tricky problems we face across the board, especially in infrastructure.

“We have a committed, hard-working team with a genuine love for Carterton.

“We need to showcase more of what we do for the community on its behalf, and that we connect with them appropriately.”

“We have already improved and increased our use of digital channels. That work will continue.”

Elected members will discuss the survey at the ordinary council meeting on June 29. The meeting begins at 1pm at the Events Centre and will be live-streamed on our Facebook channel.

Council Ordinary Meeting Agenda

