22 March 2024

Carterton District Council’s elected representatives are getting ready to talk to the Carterton community about the proposals in their Draft 2024-34 Long Term Plan (LTP), with consultation set to begin on 5 April.

The theme for Carterton’s Long-Term Plan 2024-2034 is Resilience or Manawaroa.

The Council is focussing on the increasing importance to plan for a sustainable future for its growing district, with a key focus on infrastructure and improving levels of service.

The LTP sets out what the Council plans to do over the next decade, and how it will be paid for. It includes information on the activities, services, and projects Council intends on delivering, when they will be delivered, where, and how. It also shows what the rates may look like for the next 10 years.

The Council is seeking public feedback on two consultation items that have been deemed significant in terms of community interest and financial impact:

1. Transportation – the need to invest more funding into our roading network to prevent roads from deteriorating to the point of closure.


2. Wastewater plant equipment upgrades at the old wastewater plant on Dalefield Road, which hasn’t been upgraded for more than 60 years.


Mayor Hon. Ron Mark said it was vital the community let their elected representatives know their views before the plan can be finalised.


“Feedback is key, as this gives us a steer of what you the community wants before we make any decisions,” Mayor Mark said.


“This plan is only a draft proposal, and by no means set in stone, so if you have strong views, please come and talk to us.”


Mayor Mark said rates affordability is always at the forefront of the councillors’ minds, and expressed frustration with costs forced upon councils that get passed onto ratepayers.


“We have struggled in some cases with inadequate government funding, and assistance for rural roads. We have struggled with a 37% increase in roading costs alone and with the stark reality of up to 40% of many projects we undertake being spent just on traffic management.”


“The latest data from LGNZ shows it costs 30% more to build sewerage systems now than it did three years ago, and estimated costs to councils of complying with the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management are between $1.4 – $2.1b, with ongoing costs of up to $59m a year.”


Projected draft increases show almost 70% of councils are facing rating increases of between 14% – 24% for the year beginning 2024/25, with Carterton’s draft proposed increase sitting at 15.09%.


“We are fully aware, and sensitive to the challenges ratepayers are facing in these difficult economic times and there are real possibilities that our determination to build in resilience and forge ahead with certain projects may need to be modified,” Mayor Mark said.


The Draft LTP is now publicly available as part of the Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda for Wednesday 27 March which can be found here. This meeting will be held at 4.30pm at the Carterton Events Centre and is open for the public to view.


LTP Timeline

27 March            Draft LTP adopted by Council

5 April                 Consultation opens. All information and supporting documents will be available online at www.cdc.govt.nz/haveyoursay

10 April               Consultation Document distributed with the Wairarapa Midweek News

5 May                 Consultation closes.

15 & 16 May      Public Hearings and deliberations

26 June             Final LTP adopted by Council.

1 July                New rates take effect