Transport Choices: Connecting Carterton

Last updated: 16 Jan, 2024 10:47am


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Transport Choices


Project stages


Bikes being stored in a shed.
Environmental Nonprofit 34

About Transport Choices

Carterton District Council is developing cycleways to make safe connections between our local schools, parks, and amenities.

Waka Kotahi’s Transport Choices programme has approved provisional funding for $918,720 funding to deliver Connecting Carterton – Schools Link. 

Questions & Answers

What happens to my feedback?

As part of our community engagement, Your feedback will be collated and considered for the final detailed designs. Visit for more information on community engagement.

Not many kids biking to school. Why are you doing this?

Schools Link will improve road safety for kids who are already cycling to and from school, and will make cycling a more appealing option for everyone. Feedback from schools and our community has supported this. That means fewer cars on our roads, especially at the start and end of the school day. We are working with schools and Wairarapa Road Safety Council to encourage and educate kids and their families on the benefits of cycling or using active transport.

Who will pay for the maintenance?

We have considered the whole-of-life cost in designs to ensure maintenance costs are kept as low as possible. Maintenance schedules and costs will be included in the annual operating roading budget.

Why have you focused on these streets?

Our community and schools told us cycling along SH2 can feel unsafe. Connecting kids with their schools is important, and making SH2 safer for walking and cycling helps this.

Who is paying for this project?

This project is funded by Waka Kotahi through their Transport Choices programme. Transport Choices is part of the government’s Climate Emergency Response Programme, formed out of the Emissions Reduction Plan and Budget 2022 to help make it easier for people to participate in a low carbon transport system.

How is the Council able to make changes to a State Highway managed by Waka Kotahi?

This project has been funded and supported by Waka Kotahi as part of its Transport Choices Programme. The project will need to get final sign off by them prior to being implemented. Other routes have already been investigated and were unable to proceed.

Why two-way cycle ways?

Bidirectional [two-way ]cycleways allow more space. Riders can often ride two abreast or in small groups. Physical separation can offer a level of safety and security for riders. They take up less space, as a buffer/separator is only required on one side.

Is this part of a bigger plan for getting fewer cars on roads in Carterton?

We accept vehicles are used to get between towns in Wairarapa. But most of central Carterton is accessible by bike, and our terrain is welcoming for walking and cycling. We have wide streets, slow traffic and our township is relatively compact.

Will this be safe for kids to use?

The cycleways have been reviewed by expert engineers at Waka Kotahi. The standards are high, and we would be unable to get funding if the cycleways were not built to the recommended standard. The plan is subject to a Safety System Audit, and it formalises and improves the paths for walkers and cyclists.

Is this part of a bigger plan for getting fewer cars on roads in Carterton?

We accept vehicles are used to get between towns in Wairarapa. But most of central Carterton is accessible by bike, and our terrain is welcoming for walking and cycling. We have wide streets, slow traffic and our township is relatively compact.

Will some car parks be lost?

There will be fewer parks available on the eastern side of High St South and some adjoining streets in the affected section, Affected businesses have been contacted and alternatives are easily available in these spaces.

Is this part of a bigger plan for getting fewer cars on roads in Carterton?

We accept vehicles are used to get between towns in Wairarapa. But most of central Carterton is accessible by bike, and our terrain is welcoming for walking and cycling. We have wide streets, slow traffic and our township is relatively compact.

Why and how was the funding made available?

Carterton District Council applied to a contestable fund for three projects. The Transport Choices programme provisionally awarded us $918,720 for cycleways and $180,000 for bike storage facilities at schools.

What happens if I can't find an answer here?

No worries. Visit and put a question through our Connecting Carterton survey, or email and we will do our best to get back to you.

Connecting Carterton Project Stages

Schools Link

The Schools’ Link is part of vision for a fully connected Carterton.

We also applied for funding for a shared path connecting Carterton with Clareville, Wairarapa A&P show grounds and the Wairarapa Hockey Stadium; and a shared path connecting Carterton and Greytown.

Of the three projects, it was the Schools’ Link project that was selected to receive Transport Choices funding.

The Schools’ Link path also aligns with the bigger picture vision of the Wairarapa Five Towns Trail Network, which is an off-road recreational trail project that aims to connect the five townships in Wairarapa.

Bike storage

In addition to the cycle trail funding, Council will receive $180,000 funding to build or improve bike storage facilities at the  schools, to complement the cycle trail project and help raise awareness with regards to mode shift to shared and active modes (for example, biking, scooters, skateboarding), and help build community support and momentum for our project.

Council will work with the schools to provide opportunities for the design which embraces and encourages the uniqueness, creativity and cultural diversity of their school community and the Carterton community.


Project Updates

Bikes being stored in a shed.

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