Long Term Plan 2024-2034

Last updated: 01 Oct, 2024 02:35pm


Carterton District Council has adopted its 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan [LTP] and rates resolution for the 2024/25 financial year, focusing on resilience and economic sustainability.  

The initial adoption date for the LTP was 26 June 2024, however this was delayed due to an extended audit process. The additional review resulted in reductions in depreciation expenses, which required a revalidation of the Plan by Audit New Zealand.

In turn, this pushed out the setting of rates and led to Council opting to amend the usual quarterly payment schedule to three equal instalment dates, with first invoices being issued in early October.

The revised LTP forecasts an average rates increase for the first year of 11.4%, down from the initial 15.6% proposed during public consultations.

Further out the forecast average rate increases are 13% for Year 2 [2025/26], 5.8% in Year 3, and an average increase of 4.9% across the entire ten years of the LTP.

These figures exclude the rates from Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Long Term Plan Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

What are rates?

Rates are charged on properties in our district and they are the main way the Council funds the work it does for the community. User charges and other revenue also help us pay for the services the Council delivers.

What is a Long Term Plan [LTP]

A Long Term Plan is a Council’s most important document. It sets out what we plan to do over the next decade, and how it will be paid for. It includes detailed information on the activities, services, and projects we intend on delivering, when we will deliver them, where and how.

It also includes the detail around ourfunding and financial management and tells you what your rates may look like for the next 10 years.

By law, we must have a Long Term Plan, and we must review it every three years.

Why consult?

We need your feedback on the projects or issues that have asignificant cost, have high community interest or are different from what we said we would do in our last Long Term Plan.

This consultation document outlines the LTP and the keydecisions we need to make, based on what our community tells us.

Your feedback will help the mayor and councillors to makedecisions on which issues our community values.

How are the items in the plan getting paid for?

Projects in the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 are usually funded through rates and fees charged directly to users, however we are still developing the draft, which is due to be adopted by the Council in June 2024 – so we can’t confirm what our key projects will be, what their associated costs will be, or how they will be funded.

What do I need to know?

The Council is seeking public feedback on two consultation items that have been deemed significant in terms of community interest and financial impact:
1. Transportation – the need to invest more funding into our roading network to prevent roads from deteriorating to the point of closure.
2. Wastewater plant equipment upgrades at the old wastewater plant on Dalefield Road, which hasn’t been upgraded for more than 60 years.

If I make a submission, do I have to appear at a hearing?

No, you are not obliged to appear at a hearing but you have the right to make your submission personally. You will be allocated up to 5 minutes. If you wish to make your submission personally, please indicate this on your submission.

What can I provide my feedback on?

You can leave feedback on any of the topics covered on this website’s Have Your Say section, or cut and paste this link into a browser: https://www.surveylegend.com/s/5hyg

I want elected members to talk to my organisation about the LTP - how do I arrange this?

Elected Members (Mayor & Councillors) contact details are listed on the Consultation Document.

Alternatively, you can visit our Mayor & Councillors page for further contact information.

Who sees my feedback or submission?

All feedback or submissions are classed as public information because, within local government, we are obligated around decision making to be as transparent as possible. Your name and any organisation you represent will be published online, however, we won’t publish any personal contact or address information.

What is the last day we can make submissions or leave feedback?

The last day for you to leave your valuable feedback and submissions is 5pm, Sunday 5 May.

If I make a submission, do I have to appear at a hearing?

No, you are not obliged to appear at a hearing but you have the right to make your submission personally. You will be allocated up to 5 minutes. If you wish to make your submission personally, please indicate this on your submission.

Is this all set in stone?

Feedback is key, as this gives us a steer of what you the community wants before we make any decisions. This plan is only a draft proposal, and by no means set in stone, so if you have strong views, please come and talk to us.

I have a great idea for the district - can we put new projects into the plan?

You can give your feedback and have your say on the LTP via the survey or downloadable submission form on this website. New ideas are always welcome, but the items for consultation in this plan are detailed in the documents.

How much are rates going up this year?

The proposed CDC rating increase for the 2024/25year starting1 July 2024 is 15.09%, after growth in the rating database and based on the preferred options for both consultation items.

Individual ratepayers may find the actual change may be smaller or greater, depending on their location and services provided, and their new QV valuations.

What is driving the rates increase?

A significant portion of this year’s proposed total rates amount is due to fixed cost payments that are beyond our control.

One of the main components of rates increases across the country is the increasing cost of operating and maintaining infrastructure levels of services and facilities.