Committees and Groups

Last updated: 28 May, 2024 11:21am


Advisory Groups

Terms of Reference

External Committees


Most committee meetings will be held at the Carterton Events Centre.

The agenda is available at least two days ahead of the scheduled meeting on our Agenda and Minutes page.

The in-public section of most council and committee meetings are recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.

A document of Carterton District Council Committee Terms of Reference is available to download below. 

Community Grants
  • Chair: Cr R Cherry-Campbell 
  • Members: Deputy Mayor D Williams (Deputy Chair); Cr L Newman; Cr G Ayling
  • Chair: Cr R Cherry-Campbell
  • Members: Cr B Deller (Deputy Chair); Cr S Laurence

Chair: TBA

Deputy Mayor D Williams (Deputy Chair); Cr L Newman; Cr S Laurence; Mayor R Mark (ex-officio)

Policy & Projects

Chair: Cr S Cretney

Members: Cr S Gallon (Deputy Chair); All other Elected Members; Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae representative

Risk & Assurance

Chair: Philip Jones

Members: Deputy Mayor D Williams (Deputy Chair); Mayor R Mark (ex-officio); Cr G Ayling; Cr S Cretney; Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae representative

RSA Grants Committee (Carterton and District Returned and Services Memorial Trust)

Deputy Mayor D Williams; Cr S Cretney

Rural Travel Fund
  • Chair: Cr S Cretney
  • Members: Cr B Deller (Deputy Chair); Cr S Gallon; Cr L Newman
Water Race

Chair: Cr B Deller

Members: John McFadzean; Cr S Gallon; Cr S Cretney; David Ellison; Jill Eastham; Neil Wadham

Advisory Groups

People and Places
  • Chair: Cr R Cherry-Campbell
  • Members: Cr S Cretney (Deputy Chair); Cr L Newman; Cr S Laurence
  • Chair: Cr B Deller
  • Members: John Booth (Deputy Chair); Cr S Gallon; Deputy Mayor D Williams; Cr G Ayling
Walking & Cycling

Chair: Cr L Newman

Members: Cr S Laurence (Deputy Chair); Cr S Cretney

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Chair: Deputy Mayor D Williams

Members:  Cr S Cretney (Deputy Chair); Cr S Gallon; Cr G Ayling

External Committee Membership


Please note: CDC Terms of Reference do not apply to external committees.

Greater Wellington Regional Council

GWRC Committee



Wellington Regional Transport


Deputy Mayor

Wellington Region Leadership Committee


Deputy Mayor

Civil Defence and Emergency Committee


Deputy Mayor

Wairarapa Committee


Deputy Mayor

Upper Ruamahanga River Management Advisory Group

Cr Brian Deller

Cr S Cretney


Waiohine River Plan Advisory Group

Cr R Cherry-Campbell


Other Committees/Entities

External Committee/Entity

Elected Member Appointee

Wairarapa District Plan Review Committee

Cr B Deller

Cr R Cherry-Campbell

Joint District Licensing Committee

Cr G Deller

Deputy Mayor D Williams

Wairarapa Economic Development Strategy Governance Group

Mayor R Mark

Cr R Cherry-Campbell (Alternate)

Wairarapa Trails Action Group

Cr L Newman

Cr S Laurence

Wairarapa Road Safety Council

Cr S Laurence

Zone 4 (LGNZ)

Mayor R Mark

Wairarapa Climate Change Caucus

Cr R Cherry-Campbell

Cr G Ayling

Wellington Regional Waste Minimisation and Management Joint Committee (WCC) and Wellington Regional Waste Forum

Cr S Cretney

Mayor R Mark (alternate)

Mayors’ Taskforce for Jobs

Mayor R Mark

Cr D Williams (alternate)

Mangatarere Project Team

Cr S Cretney

Cr S Laurence

Destination Wairarapa

Roger Wigglesworth (independent)

Carterton Creative Communities Funding Committee

Cr G Ayling

Cr S Laurence (alternate)

Wairarapa Policy Working Group

Cr Cherry-Campbell

Cr S Cretney

Remutaka Transport Group

Mayor R Mark

Carter Society

Cr S Cretney

J Greathead (independent)

Cobblestones Charitable Trust

Joseph Gillard (independent)
