Forms & Factsheets

Last updated: 05 Dec, 2024 04:16pm


Building Consent


Code Compliance Certificate

Planning & Resource Consent

If you are planning on doing building work and require a building and/or resource consent, you will need to complete one or more of the following application forms.

The forms should be completed in full and the contact details and names of design or building professionals or other consultants should be accurately recorded where necessary.

If the forms are not filled out properly, they will be rejected. Council cannot fill forms out on your behalf.

Building Consent

Objective Build is an online tool for making an application for Building Consent (including solid fuel heating and amendments), Code Compliance Certificate, Certificate of Acceptance, and LBP declarations.

If you are unable to complete an electronic application, you can come into the Council office and our friendly team will be able to provide a paper based application form.

Visit the Objective Build portal for forms, help. and guidance on filling out the forms.

You also download and complete our editable PDF Building Consent form.


Code Compliance Certificate

The Building Act requires that owners must make an application for a CCC when they consider the work is complete to the extent required by the consent. You need to compete the application form ensuring that you have filled out the details of who did the work and when the work was completed.  When you lodge your application, you will need to include all the information listed on the building consent. You need to compete the ccc application form ensuring that you have filled out the details of who did the work and when the work was completed.


A building consent exemption under Schedule 1(2) of the Building Act 2004 is the formal decision issued by a territorial authority confirming a building consent is not required for the intended building works.


Planning and Resource Consents

Download our planning and resource consent forms here.

Check out our fact sheets on the Planning and Resource consent pages if you have any questions.

Contact us for further help.