Certificates & Compliance

Last updated: 05 Dec, 2024 04:12pm


  • Code Compliance Certificate [CCCs]
  • Certificate for Public Use
  • Certificate of Acceptance
  • Compliance Schedules and Building Warrant of Fitness
  • Structural Engineering and Fire reports
  • What happens next?


Code Compliance Certificates

When you consider the work has been completed you are required to make an application for a Code Compliance Certificate.

To apply for a Code Compliance Certificate you will need to complete an application form.

You will need to check your building consent to see what, if any, documents you are required to provide.

Apply for a CCC

The building Act requires that owners must make an application for a CCC when they consider the work is complete to the extent required by the consent. You need to compete the ccc application form ensuring that you have filled out the details of who did the work and when the work was completed

When you lodge your application, you will need to include all the information listed on the building consent. You need to compete the ccc application form ensuring that you have filled out the details of who did the work and when the work was completed.

Information required for a CCC application

When you apply for your Code Compliance Certificate you will need to provide complete information and where applicable pay any fee’s owing.

 You must include the following.

  • Names and contact details for all the people involved in your project (for example builders, plumbers, engineers etc)
  • Memoranda from licensed building practitioners ( where applicable)
  • Supporting documentation such as energy work certificates or a PS4 (engineers’ producer statement – construction review)
  • Any additional documentation requested during inspections
  • Evidence that all inspections have been carried out
  • All producer statements
How long will it take before I get a CCC?

We process applications within 20 working days. However, as with building consent applications, the ‘clock’ will stop if your application requires additional inspections, documentation or fees, and will restart when the issue has been resolved.

We issue a compliance schedule with the CCC if the building has specified systems such as fire alarms, sprinklers and elevators that have been added, removed or altered.

Where the compliance schedule is new, we will also issue a compliance schedule statement which you must display in the building.

Certificate for Public Use

If people want to start using premises before a code compliance certificate is issued, they can apply for a Certificate for Public Use. This certificate enables members of the public to use the premises until a code compliance certificate is granted.

Certificates for Public Use can only be used where a consent has been granted for the building work but no code compliance certificate has been issued yet.

Anyone who owns, occupies or controls premises intended for public use may apply for a Certificate for Public Use.

What types of buildings require a Certificate of Public Use?

A certificate is required for all buildings used by the public, whether without charge, such as a shopping centre or store, or where the public enter on payment of a fee, such as a sports stadium, swimming pool or zoo.  A certificate can apply to all or part of a building.

Apply for a Certificate of Public Use

To apply, please download, complete and return the Certificate for Public Use application form [ED5] .

 Certificate for Public Use application form [ED5] 

When will a CPU be issued?

We will issue a certificate only if we are satisfied that members of the public can use the premises safely. This is likely to involve an inspection.
Certificates for public use do not relieve the owner of a building from the obligation to apply for a code compliance certificate after all the building work has been carried out.

When will a certificate be refused?

A certificate for public use cannot be issued:

If part or all of the building required to be occupied is not deemed safe to use.

For any work completed before 1 July 1992.

If work was carried out without first obtaining a building consent (that is, unauthorised work).

In the case of unauthorised work carried out between 1 July 1992 and 31 March 2005, a certificate of acceptance only may be applied for.

In the case of unauthorised work carried out after 31 March 2005, a notice to fix must be issued.

Certificate of Acceptance

A certificate of acceptance provides a limited assurance in certain circumstances that we have inspected unauthorised, completed building work and found no obvious defects. It is limited because we may not have inspected the work during construction to ensure it was done in accordance with any building consent.

If you apply for a certificate of acceptance you will need to provide evidence (usually from a professional such as an engineer) of how the work complies with the building code, including those parts of the work that we cannot inspect.  Your application can be for all or part of a building.

We will assess your application and, if we are satisfied to the best of our knowledge and belief and on reasonable grounds that, insofar as we could ascertain, the building work complies with the building code we will issue a certificate.

A certificate of acceptance lists the work we have inspected and may also list items that we could not verify as complying with the building code. These are called exclusions.

We are not required to issue a certificate of acceptance and may refuse to do so if we cannot be satisfied. If we do not issue a certificate, you may be required to remove the building work.

Apply for a Certificate of Acceptance

To apply, please download and complete the Certificate of Acceptance application form.

 Application for a Certificate of Acceptance Form [238kb]

When is a certificate of acceptance issued?

A certificate can be issued:

  • Where an owner carried out building work without first obtaining building consent.
  • When a private building consent authority or a private building certifier is unable or refuses to issue a code compliance certificate for work carried out under a building consent.
  • When urgent work was carried out to protect lives or property and there was no time to get a consent.
When is a certificate of acceptance not issued?

A certificate cannot be issued if:

  • The council cannot be satisfied that the building work complies with the building code.
  • The building works were carried out before 1 July 1992.
  • A building consent for the works was granted by the council.
How can I find out if work on my property had a building consent?

You can find out whether building consents were granted for buildings on your property by applying for a LIM report or obtaining the property file for viewing at the Council Offices, 28 Holloway Street, Carterton.

Note: A building consent cannot be issued retrospectively for work that has already been completed.

What can I do with unauthorised structure work carried out after 1 July 1992?

You can either:

  • obtain a building consent to demolish the unconsented building works. If you then wish to redo the works you can apply for a new building consent to do so or include the proposed work in the original consent, or;
  • apply to the council for a Certificate of Acceptance for the unconsented building works.
Do I need a resource consent?

If the unapproved work does not meet the planning development controls relevant to your property or a resource consent was needed, then you may need to either:

  • apply for a retrospective resource consent, or;
    remove the works that do not meet the controls.

We will let you know whether there are any planning issues and what you will need to do to resolve these.

Compliance Schedules and Building Warrant of Fitness

A compliance schedule is a document issued for a public and commercial building if it contains any specified systems. These systems ensure a building is safe and healthy for people to be in.

Some examples of specified systems are:

  • Automatic fire sprinkler systems
  • Automatic or manual emergency warning systems for fires (or other dangers)
  • Electromagnetic or automatic doors or windows
  • Emergency lighting systems
  • Escape route pressurisation systems
  • Riser mains for use by fire services
  • Automatic back-flow preventers connected to a potable water supply
  • Lifts, escalators, travelators or other system for moving people or goods within buildings
  • Mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning systems
  • Systems that assist people with visual or hearing disabilities
  • Smoke control systems.

A single household requires a compliance schedule if it contains a cable car or is serviced by a cable car.

The compliance schedule states what systems are present and includes the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures needed to keep them in good working order. The schedule must be kept onsite and made available to council officers, independently qualified persons, and authorised agents.

If you do not have a compliance schedule, or if your building warrant of fitness has expired, you may be prosecuted.

How do I get a compliance schedule?

A certificate cannot be issued if:

  • The council cannot be satisfied that the building work complies with the building code.
  • The building works were carried out before 1 July 1992.
  • A building consent for the works was granted by the council.

For new buildings, a compliance schedule is issued with a code compliance certificate.

If you are upgrading the building or systems, are making a change of use or doing alterations that may also require a building consent, you will need to apply for an amendment to the existing compliance schedule.

If you are unsure if you require one, please contact us for advice.

How do I amend my compliance schedule?

Providing you are the owner, you can apply for an amendment at any time by completing and returning an application form.

A recommendation for an amendment by an independently qualified person or licensed building practitioner can also be submitted with the building warrant of fitness.

You may also require a building consent.

What is a compliance schedule statement?

Where a compliance schedule has been issued for the first time, a compliance schedule statement is issued by the council. 

This is a temporary public notification of compliance with the schedule requirements.

This is replaced in 12 months and every 12 months after that by the building warrant of fitness.

The owner must display this document in a public area within the building.

What is a Building Warrant of Fitness?

A building warrant of fitness is a building owner’s signed statement that the requirements of the compliance schedule have been fully met.

It certifies that the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures in the schedule have been fully complied with during the previous 12 months.

A copy of the building warrant of fitness must be displayed within the public area of the building.

Who can inspect and monitor my premises?

An independently qualified person can inspect and monitor your premises.

A register of independently qualified people is maintained by the council. 

Contact us for information on registered independently qualified people.

What happens next?

Make sure you ask your independently qualified person or licensed building practitioner to provide you with instructions on the reporting procedures for the next 12 months required for each system and feature.

Remember, you are required by law to have annual written reports relating to the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures of the compliance schedule signed by each person who has carried out those procedures. Reports are to be kept with the schedule for two years and be accessible when inspections are carried out.