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Our Vision

Community Outcomes

Working with others

CDC Combined Icons People & Platforms

Our Vision

A welcoming and vibrant community where we all enjoy living.

We reviewed our existing vision and community outcomes during our 2021–2031 Ten Year Plan consultation process, to confirm whether they were still relevant to the community 

Councillors also spoke with, and listened to, the community about what was important to them, and what they would like to see the Council working towards.

The vision was refined, and the community outcomes amended to better reflect the four well-beings, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects of climate change.

Community Outcomes

Council has responsibilities under the Local Government Act to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future. 

‘Community outcomes’ are the outcomes, or results, that a local authority aims to achieve in order to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of its district or region, in the present and for the future.

Each group of activities carried out by the Council contributes in some way to one or more of the community outcomes and our Ten Year Plan outlines specifically how the Council intends to contribute to the outcomes.

CDC Cultural Title
  • Te Āo Māori/Māori aspirations and partnerships are valued and supported.
  • A community that embraces and encourages our cultural diversity and heritage.
  • A community that fosters and promotes our quirkiness and creativity.
CDC Economic Title

• Quality, fit for purpose infrastructure and services that are cost-effective and meet future needs.
• A vibrant and prosperous business and primary sector investing in, and supported by, the community.
• A community that is productively engaged in employment, education, and community service.

CDC Environmental Title

• Safe and resilient water supply, wastewater, and stormwater systems.
• Healthy, sustainable waterways.
• An environmentally responsible community committed to reducing our carbon footprint and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
• A resilient community capable of responding and recovering from environmental shocks.

CDC Social Title
  • A strong and effective council providing trusted leadership.
  • A caring community that is safe, healthy, and connected.
  • An empowered community that participates in Council and community-based decision making.
  • Awesome public facilities, spaces, and parks.

Working with others

Currently many of the day-to-day activities of the Council, community organisations, and government agencies contribute to furthering the community outcomes.

Carterton is blessed with a large range of community and volunteer organisations working to enhance the District’s social, economic environmental, and cultural well- being.

The Council will continue to work with these organisations towards the achievement of the community outcomes.

Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae

In particular, the Council has an important relationship with Hurunui o Rangi Marae, who are represented at meetings of the Council, and some committees, advisory groups, and workshops.

They provide valuable input and perspective for Māori well-being and for the wider community. Council is looking to broaden their engagement with other mana whenua entities.
