Climate Change

Last updated: 31 Jan, 2025 09:37am

Strategy Review

Our Projects

What can I do?

Ruamahanga Strategy



Climate Change Strategy Review

We’re reviewing our Climate Change Strategy and we want to hear from you!

Our updated strategy will be used internally at Carterton District Council to ensure Climate Change and carbon emissions are considered in all aspects of operations – from day-to-day tasks, to bigger projects.

From Friday 31 January to Friday 7 March, you are welcome to share your thoughts on our proposed objectives and actions in the following ways:

– Online through our survey
– On paper through our survey
– At the Martinborough Fair, Carterton Farmer’s Market, What’s the Buzz community event, and the Carterton School Gala
– Through a quick activity in the foyer of the Carterton Events Centre

As a thank you, anyone who contributes will go in the draw to win one of two $100 local gardening vouchers.

You can view the entire the draft strategy here.

Climate Change
Environmental Nonprofit 34

Council Projects

Carterton District Council has committed to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Climate change mitigation means reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change adaptation means adapting to the impacts of climate change such as increased flooding risks.

What can I do?

I am a resident

As a resident, there are many things you can do. A good place to start is to measure your carbon footprint to understand your greenhouse gas emissions.


    I am a farmer

    Farmers have a huge role to play in both climate change mitigation and adaptation.

    He Waka Eke Noa is a five-year programme that will equip farmers and growers with the information, tools and support they need to reduce emissions and build resilience to climate change.


      We are a business

      As a business, there are many things you can do. A good place to start is to measure your carbon footprint to understand your greenhouse gas emissions. The climate action toolbox can help your business reduces its carbon emissions.

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      Ruamāhanga Strategy

      The Ruamāhanga Strategy outlines what meaningful action we can take to reduce the effects of climate change in their daily council operations.

      It was first adopted in 2020 and revised in 2021.

      • Volume 1: Strategy
      • Volume 2: Action Plan

      Wairarapa climate change projection

      NIWA and GWRC released their most recent climate change assumptions for Wairarapa in September 2021. Those assumptions help us understand what our Districts will look like depending on greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere.

      Carterton Emissions Inventory 

      Visit the Greater Wellington website for an Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory for Carterton, compiled on behalf of Greater Wellington Regional Council for our District.

      The latest full report is for the 2021/22 year [July 2021 to June 2022]. Find out more at